European Social Fund

Training in companies

“The ESF project aims at teaching basic digital skills to our support collaborators and marketers. In their jobs, they must have the ability to master new software. Our sales and account managers participate in trainings that teach them the basic digital skills required to use software for solution selling. We also provide training in customer orientation because our collaborators do business and communicate with increasingly well-informed customers. Since Combell has invested heavily in the development of new products and services, we need to train our system administrators so that they master the various technological innovations.”

To realise this training need, Combell submitted a project (entitled “Combell Future Proof”) to ESF, which was approved.

For this project, Combell received €40,000 from ESF and €60,000 from the Vlaams Cofinancieringsfonds (Flemish co-financing fund), which have been added to Combell’s own contribution (€101,000). Duration of the project: from 1 October 2017 to 30 September 2018.


Sustainable career policy

“Combell seeks to implement an integral HR framework for sustainable careers. In this project, we endeavour to strategically upgrade our HR processes: recruitment and selection, skills policy, integration policy via mentoring, job description via job enrichment and work-life balance optimisation.”

To realise this training need, Combell submitted a project (entitled “Combell Stimulans”) to ESF, which was approved.

For this project, Combell received €32,000 from ESF and €48,000 from the Vlaams Cofinancieringsfonds (Flemish co-financing fund), which have been added to Combell’s own contribution (€84,191). Duration of the project: from 1 April 2018 to 30 September 2019.