Proud of our ISO certificates

Your guarantee of quality and a minimum of security risks.

ISO 9001: guarantee of quality

The ISO 9001 certificate is the international standard for quality management systems. This means that, if you collaborate with Combell, you can be sure that we do everything right when it comes to management and that we provide excellent quality.

In 2007, Combell was one of the first hosting providers in the Benelux to become ISO 9001 certified. It goes without saying that we are still regularly audited to see if we meet all the standards laid down in the certificate.

In concrete terms, the ISO 9001 certificate guarantees that Combell is able to provide products and services according to the agreements made.

Rely on quality; contact us
ISO 9001 is based on eight principles of quality management
  • Customer focus
  • Leadership
  • Engagement of people
  • Process approach
  • System approach to management
  • Continual improvement
  • Fact-based decision making
  • Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
  • Registration and management of domain names
  • Managed shared cloud
  • Hosting & servers
  • Managed private cloud
  • E-mail & tools such as online backups
  • Managed applications
  • Managed public cloud

ISO 27001: a guarantee of security

The ISO 27001 certificate guarantees that Combell uses secure information management and correctly manages security risks. In other words, your data are safe with Combell.

This means we provide the best guarantees for the security of your hosting environment, comparable to what banks offer their customers.

In 2011, Combell was the first Belgian hosting provider to become ISO 27001 certified.

You too can opt for security; just contact us
ISO 27001 ensures all aspects of information security:
  • Policy: how management works
  • Legislative compliance: Computer Crimes Act, Personal Data Protection Act
  • Organisation: clear responsibilities
  • Operating assets: infrastructure, network, systems and other operating assets
  • Staff: house rules, mistakes, theft, fraud, abuse
  • Physical aspects: locks, fire protection
  • Communication and operations: management of systems, processes and procedures
  • Access control: password, biometrics
  • System and software development and maintenance: documentation, processes
  • Continuity: disaster recovery equipment
  • Risk analysis of our organisation
  • Defining the appropriate measures to deal with potential risks
  • Implementing and managing those measures
  • Monitoring and regularly reviewing the security process

ISO 27701: the guarantee of an efficient privacy management

The ISO 27701 certificate is an extension of the ISO 27001 standard (secure information management) and guarantees a superior quality of privacy management.

This means that your personal data are safe with Combell, just like the personal data of your customers.

In 2021, Combell was the first hosting provider in the Benelux to achieve ISO 27701 certification.

Protect your personal data by contacting us
Combell is ISO 27701 certified for...
  • Managed cloud hosting
  • Managed hosting of applications and software
  • Domain names
  • Hosting and servers
  • E-mail and office tools


ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) is a Swiss independent organisation that ensures international standardisation in the fields of quality and safety (among others).

In practice, ISO visits companies to carry out audits of their operations. When a company complies with the established standard, ISO issues a certain certificate.

We carry all our certificates with pride and responsibility, and remain committed to providing the best possible security and service levels, for all our customers.


Do you have any further questions about our quality guarantees?

Marijn Willems

Our specialists are available 24/7 to provide you with free advice. Feel free to contact Marijn and colleagues via e-mail or by phone.

Marijn Willems
Marijn Willems Managed services specialist