

DJ-Matic Customer Case

DJ-Matic is one of the largest players in music distribution for the hotel and catering industry. Their customers can use music players that allow them to choose the atmosphere and music genres they want. DJ-Matic is also the driving force behind the renowned Culture Club, Ghent’s extremely popular and trendy club.

Our solution

DJ-Matic is one of Combell’s oldest customers, which went for different solutions, including the Zimbra groupware solutions, colocation of various machines, advice regarding the configuration of paths and management of all the services that are critical for the proper functioning of DJ-Matic. Combell has been supporting them since the first web-based applications, which helped achieve a closer collaboration.

“Combell is absolutely unique in the hosting market: highly accomplished professionals with remarkable expertise and, most importantly, an unmatched personal service.”

Bart Lemaire, DJ-Matic

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Matthias Dekeyser
Matthias Dekeyser Managed hosting specialist

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