

Prophets Customer Case

Prophets is a digital communication agency that works for various companies, including Mobistar, Danone, Stad Antwerpen, VRT, Beaulieu and NMBS B-Europe. Together with its customers, Prophets ensures that its customers’ brands and products are relevant in a world where connectivity is key.

Our solution

Many of their projects and campaigns reach a lot of people, which makes uptime and support absolutely crucial. This is one of the reasons why Prophets collaborates with Combell.

“We see Combell as a team of professionals that constantly help us find the best and most relevant hosting solution.”

Björn Joos, Prophets

Get in touch with real experts

They'll provide you with more in depth information

Siegfried Deleyn
Siegfried Deleyn Managed hosting specialist

For an informal preliminary meeting