
A rapidly growing full-service platform for website development


SiteManager Customer Case

Ghent-based company SiteManager offers a full-service web platform for the development of websites. This platform includes the various applications that are used for building websites, such as design, developer, visual CMS and project management. With SiteManager, designers, UX specialists, front-end developers and content specialists can easily design, code, edit and roll out websites together in a browser. The result is immediately visible, thus enabling end customers to follow the latest developments closely. Projects can therefore be delivered twice as fast.

Related services:

SiteManager's request

A skilful hosting partner to guarantee the reliability of the platform

With the SiteManager platform, everything happens in a browser. Downtime or malfunctioning infrastructures are therefore not a problem, both for the developers who have to deliver projects within the set deadlines, as well as for end users who would abandon websites that take too long or fail to load.

  • A skilful hosting partner: the credibility of the platform depends on a powerful infrastructure
  • Hosting that can also grow along with the rapidly increasing number of projects (currently 2-3 new websites per day!)
  • Worry-free hosting: SiteManager does not have an in-house infrastructure team. The partner must be able to provide the ideal hosting, in line with SiteManager's growth, perfectly tailored to the company's needs, and above all fast and scalable.
"The load time of our web pages is almost four times shorter."

Our solution

High-performance infrastructure with personal guidance

  • Powerful hardware, which must also be flexible thanks to the VMWare solutions used.
  • A high-performance SAN storage, with fast network connections to and between the systems.
  • Strict SLA guarantees, ensuring 99.99% uptime.
  • A team of account managers that can be contacted directly, who are dedicated to SiteManager and who know the specific requirements of the platform inside out.

Why Combell, according to SiteManager

  • With Combell, we can collaborate while adopting a DevOps mindset - Combell's experts who manage our account are, as it were, an external extension of our team that knows our needs inside out and adapts the infrastructure to them.
  • The new infrastructure ensures a noticeable improvement in speed. The management systems in the back-end load 30-40% faster. And with complex websites, visitors will see the page appear up to four times faster!
  • Our customers, which are web agencies, can also leverage this high speed as a selling point for their customers: after all, the loading speed of a website is an important SEO factor for Google.
  • End customers are happy with the fast websites, and so are developers!
Get in touch with real experts

They'll provide you with more in depth information

Marijn Willems
Marijn Willems Managed hosting specialist

For an informal preliminary meeting