Blogs and social networks are increasingly popular

  • 26 March 2009
  • Reading time: < 1 min
  • News

A study published by Nielsen reveals that 2/3 of Internet users visit social networks such as Facebook. As a consequence, e-mail dropped from fourth to fifth in the ranking of the most popular pastimes on the Internet. In the countries where the study was conducted, web users spend 1 minute out of 11 on social networks. Facebook remains the most popular social network.


That is probably the reason why 4 out of 10 employers forbid the use of Facebook at the workplace. That is what emerges from a study that has just been published by Smart Business Strategies. Especially big businesses establish strict rules concerning such sites; some even block their access, pure and simple. But SMEs do the same. Most employers mention security and non-productivity of the employee as the main reasons to take such measures. Indeed, the financial crisis forces them to increase productivity.