.xxx domain names available soon

Friday, in Brussels, the ICANN, the non-profit organisation that manages top level domains such as .com and .info worldwide, decided that .xxx would be launched soon. This extension is exclusively reserved for adult websites. 3 years earlier, the ICANN still denied the request. During the Public Forum, this question was hotly debated and created much lobbying. Now, the ICANN will carefully audit ICM Registry, the company that wants to manage the triple X extension, from a financial and technical point of view.

ICM Registry top man Stuart Lawley says that 110,000 .xxx domain names are already preregistered. He donates 10 $ per registration to charity.

During the 38th conference of the ICANN last week in Brussels, a decision was also expected on the release of other new TLDs, which would allow companies and organizations to register their own extension, such as .york or .nike. But no decision was taken on this point.

Check out all the pictures taken at the ICANN’s 38th congress