
The road to PHP 8 at Combell

  • 27 November 2020
  • Reading time: 4 min

For the shared hosting platform at Combell, we strive to get you the latest and most up2date PHP versions. We make it a goal to be able to deliver every...

ROOV the app for managing your personal finances

ROOV: the app for managing your personal finances with complete confidentiality

  • 19 November 2020
  • Reading time: 7 min

ROOV is a personal financial assistant for individuals and families. It is very convenient, but also very secure, because we are talking about your financial data, which means private information....

Why choose a website builder

Why choose a website builder?

  • 29 October 2020
  • Reading time: 5 min

Would you like to build your website by yourself in no time at all? Well, you can! Even if you have zero programming skills. And it is also very affordable....

New features public Combell API for partners

New features in Combell’s API for the automation of your hosting services

  • 22 October 2020
  • Reading time: 2 min

As a partner, do you already use the Combell API to automate the management of your hosting environment? In that case, we have some good news for you: we recently...

Combell strongly committed to a sustainable personnel management policy

Combell is strongly committed to a sustainable personnel management policy

  • 22 October 2020
  • Reading time: 5 min

There is good reason why the people who work in a company are called 'collaborators': they all contribute to the development of that company. And it is the company's responsibility...

5 tips to make money from your blog

5 tips to make money from your blog

  • 21 October 2020
  • Reading time: 5 min

Back when you started your blog, you must have thought that you were going to make some money from it. However, your chances of getting rich actually depend on how...

Start online - what do you need for your website

What building blocks do you need to get your website online?

  • 17 October 2020
  • Reading time: 15 min

What exactly does “web hosting” mean? What types are there? What do you need to consider when choosing a web hosting provider? And what else do you need to get...

Reach more readers with your blog

3 ways to reach more readers with your blog

  • 1 October 2020
  • Reading time: 4 min

Every beginning is difficult, and so is starting a blog. Building an audience for your blog is not a matter of course. Because no one is automatically going to know...

Practical SEO tips to optimise your website

5 practical tips for applying SEO

  • 25 September 2020
  • Reading time: 5 min

How should you proceed, in practice, to have your website rank higher in search engines? In this article, we are going to explore the different ways for applying SEO (Search...

Strategic choices for starting a blog

Starting your own blog: the right strategic choices

  • 24 September 2020
  • Reading time: 5 min

If you want to start your own blog, it is essential that you carefully choose your topic and clearly define it. Because that choice will also have an impact on...

Keyword research - the foundation for successful SEO

Keyword research: the foundation for successful SEO

  • 15 September 2020
  • Reading time: 8 min

The optimisation of your website stands or falls on the keywords you integrate into your pages. They are the keywords by which you will be found in search engines, but...

What is SEO and why is it so important

What is SEO and why is it so important?

  • 8 September 2020
  • Reading time: 6 min

Just having a website does not automatically mean that you are visible on the web – people should also be able to find it. And SEO is a crucial tool...