
Caution: blackmail e-mails are going around

  • 29 April 2019
  • Reading time: 3 min

If you receive an e-mail that at first sight appears to come from your own e-mail address, do not panic! It does not necessarily mean that your e-mail account has...

Tailor made managed hosting by Combell – from request to transfer

  • 29 April 2019
  • Reading time: 6 min

“If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” A good old IT adage that still holds true today. Organisations indeed often reach the limits of their IT infrastructure first before they...

The baby’s corner is taking big steps in online retail thanks to Combell hosting

  • 26 April 2019
  • Reading time: 5 min

Over the past 20 years, the baby’s corner has grown into a comprehensive concept for mums, babies and children. Today, young parents and their friends are spending more time online than...

Survey by DNS Belgium: more attention to domain name and security

  • 15 April 2019
  • Reading time: 5 min

Insites Consulting carried out a survey on behalf of DNS Belgium into domain name extensions to gain an understanding of the domain name market. Part of the survey was to...

Tips to choose a good domain name

8 handy tips to choose a good domain name

  • 3 April 2019
  • Reading time: 6 min

Would you like to get started on the Internet? In that case, choosing a good domain name is essential. But how do you choose a good domain name? And what...

Combell CEO Jonas Dhaenens crowned IT Person of the Year

  • 15 March 2019
  • Reading time: 2 min

The ICT news site Computable chose “our” Jonas, CEO of Combell, as IT Person of the Year. The jury praised him for his commitment, including to his staff. Congratulations, Jonas!...

Comodo SSL certificates are now branded Sectigo, but there is more to it than that…

  • 15 March 2019
  • Reading time: 3 min

It was originally announced that the transition from Comodo to Sectigo SSL certificates would only involve a change of name and logo. However, it now turns out that there has...

Combell’s 20th anniversary: that surely deserves a new corporate identity!

  • 12 March 2019
  • Reading time: 3 min

We are proud to present our new website! Our well-known offering and services now come in a new, contemporary style. A new corporate identity, cleverly designed to reflect Combell's values...

Kubernetes & Combell

Combell & Kubernetes: past the hype, a new generation of Cloud applications

  • 4 March 2019
  • Reading time: 7 min

Containers, Docker, Kubernetes… All these concepts are currently very trendy, and everyone is using them, or wants to use them. And this is no different at Combell. The technology has...

VDV customer case

Combell helps VDV consultants eliminate stress when it comes to backups

  • 25 February 2019
  • Reading time: 4 min

In 2018, Antwerp-based accounting firm VDV consultants decided to play it safe by having Combell handle their internal servers for them, which provides a higher level of protection and more...

Be careful as Brexit could cause you to lose your .eu domain!

  • 12 February 2019
  • Reading time: 5 min

.eu domains are reserved for companies, organisations and private individuals based in the EU. With Brexit, British companies and residents lose the right to use their .eu domain. And that...

PHPBenelux Conference 2019

PHPBenelux has just celebrated its 10th anniversary!

  • 5 February 2019
  • Reading time: 4 min

The PHPBenelux conference in Edegem was once again a success. There was an exhilarating atmosphere in the hallways, some interesting talks to gain new insights, and many cordial networking moments....