
Almost 1.000.000 .es domain names

  • 21 March 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

Shortly, the millionth .es domain name will be registered. Spanish domain names have been liberalized in 2005 and have increased strongly since then. In 2004, there were barely 85.000 .es...

The results of the survey on the way the landrush for numeric .NL domain names took place have been divulged

  • 17 March 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

ISPConnect (the association of Dutch professional hosting companies), of which COMBELL is also a member, has divulged the results of its survey. At the request of its members, the association...

Investing in domain names more interesting than in real estate

  • 10 March 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

According to Domain Name Wire, investing in domain names is much more lucrative than investing in real estate for the following reasons: 1) domain names are unique: no two names...

Thanks to COMBELL free tips from Google

  • 8 March 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

Your website, a success story As a hosting provider, we intend to support you on as many levels as possible in order to help your website become a success. COMBELL’s...

ISPConnect is investigating the landrush of the numeric .NL domain names

  • 7 March 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

ISPConnect, the professional association of Dutch ISPs, has launched an investigation into the proceedings of the landrush for numeric .NL domain names. Several members doubt whether the landrush was conducted...

HEROES happen {Here} in Ghent

  • 23 February 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

This March 11th, Windows Server 2008 will be launched. After almost 5 years, a worthy successor for Windows Server 2003 has arrived. In its capacity of Microsoft Gold Certified partner,...

Limit your energy expenditure and save the rainforest

  • 23 February 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

Are you still using a traditional fax machine? Despite the fact that e-mail has become the main business communication channel, the fax machine remains quite popular. It’s a pity that...

Sony Ericsson switches to Windows Mobile

  • 23 February 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

Sony Ericsson also replaced Symbian with Windows Mobile. By doing so, the mobile phone manufacturer joins the Microsoft Windows Mobile family, as did HTC, Motorola, Samsung, Palm, etc. before him....

Dutch online advertising expenditures for 2007 increased with 12.2 %

  • 23 February 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

A study conducted by the IAB reveals that in the Netherlands, online advertising expenditures increased with 12.2%, reaching 153.8 million €. 85% of this sum was spent through buttons, banners...

.cr domain names soon open to the public

  • 13 February 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

The registry of .cr (Costa Rica) domain names communicates that .cr domain names will soon be open to the public via a landrush. For the time being, the holders of...

Twice as much computer viruses in the space of one year

  • 13 February 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

Several media have mentioned today that the amount of computer viruses has doubled in the space of one year. Nowadays, the objective of many virus designers is to access critical...

Local hosting becomes more and more important

  • 11 February 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

Last month, the connection of 100 million Internet users broke down. Three undersea cables had suddenly been broken. As a consequence, a great part of India, Saudi Arabia and Egypt...