
Does your online shop comply with all legal requirements?

  • 3 September 2013
  • Reading time: 2 min

Even though an increasing number of online shops comply with legal obligations, two out of three web stores are still not up-to-date (64.8 %). Should consumers worry? And what should...

Earned, Owned and Paid media: what is the difference?

  • 2 September 2013
  • Reading time: 3 min

In the social media era, many new terms have arisen to describe how you – the supplier of services or goods – communicate with your (future) customers. The time has...

Growing opposition to the general European sales contract

  • 28 August 2013
  • Reading time: 2 min

Consumer organisations and e-commerce organisations alike fear that a general European contract would clash with local legislation and could create confusion. The European Commission has made a new proposal in...

Combell supports new Big Data event ‘Damn Data’

  • 27 August 2013
  • Reading time: < 1 min

The first edition of ‘Damn Data’ will take place on October 17th 2013. ‘Damn Data’ is a new (Big) Data event that focuses on the challenges that data on the...

Combell now has direct peerings with Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX)

  • 22 August 2013
  • Reading time: 2 min

At the beginning of this year, Combell started its subsidiary company Unitt in the Netherlands, with a particular focus on infrastructure, which is 100% customised. In order to better serve...

PRISM, Edward Snowden and Internet security – let’s clarify things

  • 21 August 2013
  • Reading time: 3 min

In the wake of the Prism revelations, two American companies offering secure e-mail services have closed their doors. The trust in American cloud services is gradually being lost. Luckily, Europe...

A/B testing without being penalised by Google

  • 13 August 2013
  • Reading time: 2 min

With a simple A/B test, you can immediately know what version of your web page offers the best results or has the best conversion rate. However, performing such a test...

New gTLDs: 1293 applications passed in initial evaluation

  • 7 August 2013
  • Reading time: 3 min

104 new gTLDs passed the initial evaluation, including .GMAIL, and .WOW, which brought to 1,400 the number of processed applications, of which 1,293 have been approved. But what about the...

E-commerce outside of Europe achieved double-digit growth

  • 2 August 2013
  • Reading time: 2 min

The Middle East and the Maghreb countries are doing surprisingly well in e-commerce. In any case, better than Europe, where most countries show a growth rate of less than 10%....

This autumn, DrupalCamp will be again held in Leuven

  • 30 July 2013
  • Reading time: 2 min

Our small country can do wonders. But chocolate and beer are not the only things we have to offer, as we also have a fantastic content management system: Drupal. Originally...

Strong online growth for Vivabox with flexible Combell hosting

  • 29 July 2013
  • Reading time: 2 min

The Belgian gift solutions specialist Vivabox has been working with Combell since 2011 for hosting its online sales and redemption platform. “Every year, we see an important peak appear in...

Important changes are coming for travel websites

  • 26 July 2013
  • Reading time: 2 min

When travellers book their trip with a classic travel agency, they are protected by travel insurance in case anything goes wrong. Why wouldn’t Internet users who book online be eligible...