
COMBELL nominated for the Best Finance Team of the Year award

  • 17 January 2009
  • Reading time: < 1 min

COMBELL’s finance team is one of the candidates that could win the Best Finance Team of the Year Award in the category of SMEs. After having presented COMBELL’s case, the...

Making profit out of the .com crisis

  • 11 January 2009
  • Reading time: 2 min

The “Get Big Fast” model has had its day; micro niches are what make entrepreneurs survive in times of crisis. These are a couple of conclusions that one can draw...

Tweeting is popular

  • 9 January 2009
  • Reading time: < 1 min

A recent report published by Hubspot indicates that tweeting gets more popular by the day. Via Twitter, you can let the Internet community know what you are doing at a...

186 million websites according to Netcraft

  • 9 January 2009
  • Reading time: < 1 min

According to Netcraft, Internet counts about 186 million websites. That corresponds to a growth of over 30 million in comparison to 2007. In terms of percentages, this growth is not...

Belgians search luxury goods online, but buy offline

  • 5 January 2009
  • Reading time: < 1 min

A recent study by Microsoft Advertising among 1,800 Europeans revealed that Belgians keep buying luxury products (such as watches, perfumes, cosmetics, designer clothes and handbags) mainly in classic offline shops....

We search online and yet, we often buy offline

  • 17 December 2008
  • Reading time: 2 min

The study performed for Google by TNS Infratest among 2,000 Belgian web users aged 15 and up once again proves how important it is for a company to have its...

Obligation to mention a means of communication on every website

  • 13 December 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

The Court of Justice of the European Communities has decided that, in addition to their office address and their e-mail address, companies must mention at least one additional means of...

Domain name for contact information .tel successfully launched

  • 12 December 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

.tel domain names are an online business card with all your contact information. On December 3rd, the first registration phase has started and will run until February 2nd. In this...

Monday evening is the ideal evening for e-mails

  • 4 December 2008
  • Reading time: 2 min

As a company, you want to keep your customers up-to-date on news from your sector, new products and offers via a mailing. But how many of your e-mails will actually...

No tête-à-tê, café.be or déjà for Belgian domain names

  • 4 December 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min, the organization that manages .be domain names, has finally decided not to allow the use of special characters in .be domain names. It had however been recently decided to...

Still a lot of work in store

  • 24 November 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

A study conducted by Watchmouse has revealed that, in 2008, Dutch web stores have been harder to reach than in 2007. In other words, the average uptime has dropped from...

.tel me if you need me

  • 24 November 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

.tel domain names will soon be available. A .tel domain is your unique contact point on the Internet that contains all your contact information, such as your address, your phone...