
Frustrated customers are bad for a web shop’s reputation

  • 11 July 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

A recent study organised by Opinion Research Corporation has shown that web shoppers are subject to quite a few frustrations. What bothers them the most is that the purchased articles...

Google indexes Adobe Flash sites

  • 10 July 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

As from July 1st, Google’s search bots can also read Flash files. Those are moving images created with Adobe Flash. Up till recently, this was impossible and extra codes had...

The economic recession popularizes online discount vouchers

  • 7 July 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

The fact that the economic recession forces citizens to save is also noticeable on the Internet. Early June, according to figures published by the American company Hitwise, visits on websites...

COMBELL welcomes PINS’ Belgian customers

  • 27 June 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

COMBELL took over the Belgian customer base of PINS (Perfect InterNetworking Solutions), which is established in Amsterdam. In doing so, we reinforce our market position in Belgium. Through this takeover,...

Virtualisation: the future

  • 25 June 2008
  • Reading time: 2 min

In May, Gartner (an American research firm) made a list of the top 10 technologies that will change the world during the coming four years. Multicore and hybrid processors were...

We will be out of IP addresses in 2010

  • 25 June 2008
  • Reading time: 2 min

Last week, the telecom ministers of the OECD met in a general atmosphere of impending crisis in Seoul: what will happen to the Internet economy when we will have run...

Online sales in Belgium up by 46%

  • 20 June 2008
  • Reading time: 2 min

Last year, 989 million euros’ worth of goods have been sold via the Internet, which represents an increase of no less than 46% compared to 2006. This information was communicated...

The new iPhone supports Hosted Exchange

  • 15 June 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

The new iPhone 2.0 also wants to reach businesses. Therefore, it e.g. supports wireless networks and features numerous new functionalities that we already know from Windows Mobile smartphones. It will...

E-readiness: the Netherlands move up to the 7th position and Belgium to the 20th

  • 15 June 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

Every year, the Economist Intelligence Unit publishes, in collaboration with the IBM Institute for Business Value, a ranking based on six categories of e-readiness: connectivity and technology infrastructure, business environment,...

40% growth for online advertising in Europe

  • 14 June 2008
  • Reading time: 2 min

Figures supplied by Interactive Advertising Bureau Europe indicate that online advertising is constantly growing, despite the fact that advertising via traditional media (radio, TV, etc.) has felt the impact of...

High petrol prices attract clients to the web

  • 9 June 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

A recent study conducted by Harris Interactive showed that these days, 33% of American adults prefer to shop online rather than going to a physical store in person. The great...

Dutch e-commerce now represents 3.9 milliard euros

  • 2 June 2008
  • Reading time: 2 min

A study conducted by Blauw Research in collaboration with reveals that in 2007, the Dutch e-commerce market was worth 3.9 milliard euros, which represents an increase of 38% in...