
HEROES happen {Here} in Ghent

  • 23 February 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

This March 11th, Windows Server 2008 will be launched. After almost 5 years, a worthy successor for Windows Server 2003 has arrived. In its capacity of Microsoft Gold Certified partner,...

Dutch online advertising expenditures for 2007 increased with 12.2 %

  • 23 February 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

A study conducted by the IAB reveals that in the Netherlands, online advertising expenditures increased with 12.2%, reaching 153.8 million €. 85% of this sum was spent through buttons, banners...

Twice as much computer viruses in the space of one year

  • 13 February 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

Several media have mentioned today that the amount of computer viruses has doubled in the space of one year. Nowadays, the objective of many virus designers is to access critical...

Local hosting becomes more and more important

  • 11 February 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

Last month, the connection of 100 million Internet users broke down. Three undersea cables had suddenly been broken. As a consequence, a great part of India, Saudi Arabia and Egypt...

875 000 000 online shoppers

  • 11 February 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

A recent study conducted by Nielsen Media Research reveals that over 875 million consumers shop online. That is over 85% of the worldwide population with an Internet connection. Most of...

One out of eight people in the EU27 doesn’t shop online because of a feeling of insecurity

  • 11 February 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

On the occasion of the 5th Safer Internet Day on February 12th 2008, EuroStat has conducted a study on Internet activities, security dangers and virus attacks in the EU27. The...

SWsoft becomes Parallels

  • 5 February 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

SWsoft, the hosting automation specialist, will from now on go by the name of Parallels. COMBELL also uses lots of Parallels software, such as the Parallels Plesk Control Panel. For...

Over 11 million Dutch people online

  • 5 February 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

Stichting Internetreclame ’s annual publication for 2007 reveals that there are over 11 million Internet users in the Netherlands, aged thirteen and over (+ 6% in comparison with 2006). Average...

Domain Management Services fraud

  • 4 February 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

A few COMBELL customers already received a bill from an ill-intentioned party. Domain Management Services tries to underhandedly lure domain name holders into moving their domain name for a one-time...

How can I make my website reliable?

  • 31 January 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

Many Internet users often hesitate to buy online because they do not fully trust a given website. Unizo offers a few interesting tips: 1. Mention all your company’s business details:...

Search engines, the most important marketing channel for online shops

  • 31 January 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min

A study conducted during the Webwinkel Vakdagen in Utrecht showed that search engines are the most important marketing channel for numerous online shops. More than 60% of the respondents are...

COMBELL will attend the first edition of the E-commerce trade fair

  • 1 November 2007
  • Reading time: < 1 min

On November 14th and 15th, the first edition of the E-commerce trade fair will take place in Lede. The organizers have gathered numerous exhibitors that will advise and assist you...