
Bazookas customer case

Bazookas delivers unique digital experiences thanks to Combell

  • 31 July 2019
  • Reading time: 4 min

Bruges-based studio Bazookas helps businesses – from major entertainment brands to social profit organisations – to immerse their target audience in a digital world by developing apps, games and educational...

Combell customers experience boost in performance

Combell customers experience huge performance leap thanks to new hosting infrastructure

  • 18 July 2019
  • Reading time: 7 min

A fast, high-performance infrastructure is what can make a difference in user experience for both visitors and customers. And this applies even more to those who offer Internet services themselves....

Adding dedicated web hosting to your hosting range as a partner

  • 5 July 2019
  • Reading time: 4 min

Combell’s hosting solutions now also include dedicated web hosting. This article is specifically for our partners who want to offer this new form of hosting to their customers. Partners are...

Sack panic bug

What is SACK Panic and what does Combell do about it?

  • 18 June 2019
  • Reading time: 2 min

→ Skip to the latest update Nowadays, every new bug gets a cool name instead of a boring number, and the same goes for the recent discoveries made by Netflix...


Group that controls Combell to join forces with TransIP to form

  • 12 June 2019
  • Reading time: 2 min

Today, Combell Group (i.e. the group that controls Combell) is taking a major step in its growth strategy. It is today announcing that it is merging with Dutch TransIP Group,...

Work Smarter event promotes digitalisation of entrepreneurs

  • 21 May 2019
  • Reading time: 4 min

Teamleader, creator of a software solution that helps streamline sales processes, has been organising Work Smarter for several years. This event presents digital tools to work more efficiently, as well...

8 reasons to blindly trust Combell

  • 3 May 2019
  • Reading time: 7 min

Trust is essential for a hosting provider. As a user, you should be able to trust your hosting provider blindly. Every day, we at Combell put a lot of effort...

Caution: blackmail e-mails are going around

  • 29 April 2019
  • Reading time: 3 min

If you receive an e-mail that at first sight appears to come from your own e-mail address, do not panic! It does not necessarily mean that your e-mail account has...

The baby’s corner is taking big steps in online retail thanks to Combell hosting

  • 26 April 2019
  • Reading time: 5 min

Over the past 20 years, the baby’s corner has grown into a comprehensive concept for mums, babies and children. Today, young parents and their friends are spending more time online than...

Survey by DNS Belgium: more attention to domain name and security

  • 15 April 2019
  • Reading time: 5 min

Insites Consulting carried out a survey on behalf of DNS Belgium into domain name extensions to gain an understanding of the domain name market. Part of the survey was to...

Combell CEO Jonas Dhaenens crowned IT Person of the Year

  • 15 March 2019
  • Reading time: 2 min

The ICT news site Computable chose “our” Jonas, CEO of Combell, as IT Person of the Year. The jury praised him for his commitment, including to his staff. Congratulations, Jonas!...

Combell’s 20th anniversary: that surely deserves a new corporate identity!

  • 12 March 2019
  • Reading time: 3 min

We are proud to present our new website! Our well-known offering and services now come in a new, contemporary style. A new corporate identity, cleverly designed to reflect Combell's values...