
Strategic choices for starting a blog

Starting your own blog: the right strategic choices

  • 24 September 2020
  • Reading time: 5 min

If you want to start your own blog, it is essential that you carefully choose your topic and clearly define it. Because that choice will also have an impact on...

Wix, SquareSpace, Combell SiteBuilder or WordPress - what to choose to build your website

Wix, SquareSpace, Combell SiteBuilder or WordPress: what will you choose to build your website?

  • 7 August 2020
  • Reading time: 9 min

For many years, WordPress has unquestionably been the most popular CMS for building a website. Today, however, website builders such as Wix and SquareSpace have made great progress. And with...

How much webspace and bandwidth do you need

How much webspace and bandwidth do you need for your website?

  • 14 August 2019
  • Reading time: 4 min

Two of the key factors to consider when you are searching for the right web hosting are the webspace and the bandwidth that are included in the price of the...

What CMS should I use for a web store

What CMS should I use for a web store?

  • 7 August 2019
  • Reading time: 5 min

In a previous article, we told you which of the three CMSs (Drupal, Joomla and WordPress) you should choose for your content-based website. There are, however, also specific Content Management...

Drupal, WordPress or Joomla: Which CMS should you choose for your website?

  • 5 August 2019
  • Reading time: 2 min

When you want to build a website, one of the trickiest decisions is: which Content Management System should I choose? Tools like Drupal, WordPress, Joomla ... are among the most popular...

WordPress 5.0

What new features does WordPress 5.0 introduce?

  • 17 December 2018
  • Reading time: 5 min

WordPress names its various versions after jazz musicians, and version 5.0 was named Bebo, in tribute to Cuban jazz pianist Bebo Valdés. But this is definitely not the only new...

Ontdek de nieuwe WordPress-editor Gutenberg

Discover the new Gutenberg WordPress editor

  • 19 September 2018
  • Reading time: 5 min

WordPress 5.0, which is due for release at the end of 2018, will come with a new editor called Gutenberg. If you want, you can already try the beta version....

A sitemap is good for SEO but also for lowering the server load on your website!

A sitemap is good for SEO but also for lowering the server load on your website!

  • 27 May 2017
  • Reading time: 3 min

A sitemap tells your visitors as well as search engines how your website is structured. But why is that so important? And what does a good sitemap look like? Here...

wordpress scaling

Thijs Feryn about WordPress scaling

  • 27 October 2016
  • Reading time: < 1 min

WordPress remains the world’s most popular Content Management System – it powers more than 27% of large and small websites, and this percentage continues to rise. Therefore, the WordPress community...

Tips to secure your WordPress site

Secure your WordPress site: 10 ground rules

  • 25 May 2016
  • Reading time: 5 min

What are the guidelines for securing your WordPress site? This CMS, which runs on almost 25% of websites on the Internet is very secure in itself. But the more plugins,...

How can you use Google AMP for your web store

AMP, how can you use them for your web store?

  • 25 May 2016
  • Reading time: 4 min

Lees in het Nederlands - Lisez en français In our previous article, we explained the importance of Accelerated Mobile Pages for Search Engine Optimization for news sites, as well as...

Panama Papers - a huge leak caused by a WordPress plugin

Panama Papers: a huge leak caused by a WordPress plugin

  • 15 April 2016
  • Reading time: 3 min

Lees in het Nederlands - Lisez en français The importance of installing updates as soon as they become available has once again been highlighted with the Panama Papers leak. Indeed,...