Combell loudly cheers: esporter Milan scores for KAA Gent

Playing online football at a high level? You can imagine that Combell, as a hosting company, is enthusiastic about that. That is why our company name shines in all its glory on the jersey of KAA Gent athlete Milan Plevier. As a business partner, Combell not only supports the dynamic world of esports, we also give young talent such as Milan a boost. Time to get to know him and the sport.
As market leader in reliable hosting, Combell lets you grow online. Because we totally believe in doing business on the Internet. So, the link with esports is easily made. The phenomenon of competitive gaming is growing faster than any other sport. According to Deloitte, experts in business consulting, esports is one of the most dynamic growth markets.
Our company, like KAA Gent, is a true Ghentian. So we didn't have to think long to link our brand name to KAA Gent's esports operation. We have already scored with the fanatical FIFA players who work here at Combell! 😀

For Combell, it is a no-brainer to support the esports world. Like our target group, the enthusiastic community is technically talented and has a great entrepreneurial spirit.
Christophe, Marketing Manager at Combell

What you should know about esports
Ever played a game of virtual football on your computer or game console? Then, you probably played that game thanks to FIFA.
That most popular football simulation game in the world is published by EA Sports. That game developer is licensed by FIFA, the organisation behind international football. Though their paths will soon part.
More popular than Adele
Along with FIFA, also the esports world only got more popular. That's even putting it too mildly. A few years ago, League of Legends' Word Cup Finals (another esports stunner) at the Mercedes Benz Arena was sold out at six minutes. To give you an idea: Adele takes 10 minutes to sell out that same arena.
So besides football games, a lot of other games are popular in the esports world. Besides, the hype knows no boundaries. There will even be Olympics for esports! So, for Combell as an IT company, it was a no-brainer to support this fast-growing gaming world.
Every club in first division
As an esporter, you still play FIFA, but at a very high and often professional level. Almost every country now has an esports football league. For instance, every Belgian club in the highest football league has one or two esports players. Those esports players play against each other and, at the end of the season, one team wins the league. Just like football on real grass.
Esports players and gamers are the entrepreneurs of tomorrow! Like Combell customers, they will go big online by professionalising their activities sooner or later.
Christophe, Marketing Manager at Combell
Meeting KAA Gent esporter Milan
This brings Dutch esporter Milan Plevier into the picture. Indeed, he is the newest Buffalo at KAA Gent. As business partners, Combell and Alternate (supplier of gaming equipment, among other things) give him that extra push! Because 16-year-old Milan and his generation are the future. With our interns and job students in the office, we love to bring this young target group into the office.
Would you like to come and play FIFA with us and - oh right! - work? Quickly discover the vacancies and join our team! You are also welcome to do an internship.
Already under contract at 13
When we meet Milan in the Ghelamco Arena, it is clear that Gent has brought in a great talent: "After I won a big FIFA tournament, I got my first contract at Heracles Almelo at the age of thirteen. Unbelievable! Because I once started playing football games purely for fun," says the KAA Gent esporter. "As a second division club, Heracles is not playing in the Dutch esports league this season. So I am happy to play for KAA Gent in the meantime. Together with my family, who are my most loyal supporters, I get to know the city better and better time after time."
Plevier is happy to showcase his talents on the virtual football pitch. Indeed, the young fellow puts everything into it! "All the time I have, I spend on FIFA. I don't have time for anything else. Although, of course, I also play real football (laughs)."

Nail-biting against Club Brugge
How intensive is esports really? You should not underestimate professional gaming, according to Milan: "It is not just playing a game in your lazy chair. There is a lot involved both mentally and physically. Being fully fit allows you to concentrate better on the match. You also have to be flexible and dare to make tactical adjustments during the match. Those little things make the difference."
That tactical insight came in handy when he played one of his most exciting matches for KAA Gent. "That was against Club Brugge," Milan says as he emerges from the stands. "When two big teams play against each other, there's a kind of rivalry in the air. Then it's even more fantastic to win such an intense match, because I played against a very strong opponent."
I really like the fact that Combell, as a business partner of KAA Gent, not only sponsors esports, but also fanatically supports me.
Playing strong
Milan did not only defeat Club Brugge. He has played strong all season. "I am surprising myself," he says modestly. "My goal was to make the top four, but there might be much more in it. Because I play for such a big club like Gent, I can show myself within esports. One day I hope to make it to the World Cup! And there actually is a chance. Because the best players get to take part in the FIFAe World Cup play-offs in London."
With Combell, Milan has an enthusiastic twelfth man behind him. Meanwhile, he has already learned about the hosting world. "I really like the fact that Combell, as a business partner of KAA Gent, not only sponsors esports, but also fanatically supports me. I heard that the Combell team even watches my matches. Hopefully your boss won't mind (laughs)."
Support along for Milan and KAA Gent yourself
By the way, you can also support and cheer for Milan yourself. When he is on for KAA Gent, you can watch his match via Eleven Sports' YouTube channel. The Proximus ePro League website keeps you informed about the competition and the standings.