Combell’s 20th anniversary: that surely deserves a new corporate identity!

We are proud to present our new website! Our well-known offering and services now come in a new, contemporary style. A new corporate identity, cleverly designed to reflect Combell's values and to highlight our extensive professional range. But there is more to it than just picking a colour. Let us take you behind the scenes to discover months of preparatory work.
Combell celebrates its 20th anniversary
It is quite a big step, from the small one-man business that 16-year-old Jonas Dhaenens founded back in 1999, to nowadays' Combell, which hosts two thirds of Belgian websites. Over the years, Combell has acquired a reputation as an expert in value-added hosting services. And that must be reflected in our corporate identity, which is why we decided to revamp it.
After all, our corporate identity and logo have been around for 10 years now. Our 20th anniversary was thus the perfect opportunity to modernise our graphic design.
PS: Make sure to keep an eye on us this year, because an anniversary like this holds nothing but surprises for you…
The new corporate identity emphasises tech expertise
Building a corporate identity is quite a challenge. This may seem a bit fussy, but choosing the right colours, backgrounds and fonts is oh so important – and this choice is oh so difficult to make! Consider the corporate colour, for instance. We tried all kinds of colours, and were never really satisfied. But then, we asked ourselves “What colour do you think of when you think of Combell?” Yes, right: Combell blue! Combell has already introduced several minor changes to its design, but blue has become the colour of our DNA, so to speak. We have therefore chosen to keep our blue as our corporate colour, so that you can recognise our services and website right away, and you can immediately feel at home in a familiar environment.
But we decided to revamp this familiar design. We stopped using lime green and flat design images. The flashy and sophisticated style takes our website to 2019 and gives our services the impact they deserve. On our website, we highlight our technological expertise, as well as our colleagues who make this possible, wearing their brand-new Combell blue polo shirts.
The background colour has evolved into a gradient from our new dark blue to light blue. This refers to the full range of hosting services Combell provides, including standard web hosting and tailored solutions such as managed cloud hosting, as well as extra services such as domain names and mailboxes.
The new Combell logo: more abstract and more dynamic
The logo itself was of course also redesigned. Like before, it consists of a dynamic, circular shape that seems to be in motion, just like our hosting and our company. A constant in our logo that shows that we stay in touch with our past and our values. And that, in all our changes, we still want to offer our customers stability and maintain your trust at all times. The logo also got a new dimension, as you can now also see a stylised letter “C” in it.
Thanks to the limited use of colour, the logo can be used more easily on many different backgrounds. The simplified logo is thus a true symbol of Combell's flexibility and versatility – quality guarantees that can be found in all Combell products and that can be used in all kinds of sectors and for all kinds of applications. Whether you are looking for a website, an IoT application, IT outsourcing or any other kind of IT service, we can provide you with a suitable solution.
Check out our brand-new website
We really hope you enjoy these changes as much as we do. Please let us know what you think!