Critical Joomla update: install it now!

A severe vulnerability has been found in the current core of the Joomla CMS. Fortunately, the update to fix this issue has been released on Wednesday 17 May. So, make sure you install it, because you absolutely cannot miss this Joomla update!


A Joomla update for severe security issues

The Joomla Security Strike Team (JSST) has been informed of a critical security issue in the Joomla core. The problem is so acute that Joomla does not want to provide any further information before users get the chance to install an update.

The Joomla update 3.7.1 has been published on Wednesday, which means you can download the fix online. We recommend that all Joomla users install this update as soon as possible. When a critical security vulnerability is found, the period right after the release of a patch is often the most dangerous, because the update also contains information about the vulnerability, which cybercriminals can misuse with a view to violently attacking unpatched systems.


The Release Candidate of Joomla 3.7.1 is not enough

Please note that this warning also concerns those who have already installed the Release Candidate 3.7.1 that was published Tuesday afternoon, which does not contain the fix. All users of Combell Joomla hosting should therefore immediately install the Joomla update 3.7.1, which can be downloaded on the Joomla website.