Dag van de Webshop XL: enjoyment to be tripled in 2014!

For the fourth edition of Dag van de Webshop, which will be held on 6, 7 and 8 November 2014, many web stores, both small and large, will once again run a great variety of special offers. So, do not miss this opportunity!
Dag van de Webshop (Web Shop Day), an initiative that was introduced for the first time in 2011, actually comes from the US and the Netherlands, where Free Shipping Day was organised every year in order to put a spotlight on web stores. Since this seemed to be quite a limited approach, a similar initiative was launched in Belgium, with the aim to promote web shops in their entirety.
The principle is simple: on Dag van de Webshop, the participating e-shops will run special offers for Internet buyers. This year, Internet users will once again be able to discover which web stores will participate in the initiative by visiting the central Dag Van de Webshop website, which is once again hosted by Combell, the hosting company from Ghent. By registering, they will be the first to be informed about all the great offers web stores have on. This way, on the days of the event, they will be able to visit the web stores and enjoy all the special discounts.
For web shops, this is quite handy to promote their products and services, which explains why many companies already participated in the previous editions. From 92 web shops in 2011, more than 200 e-stores have now signed up for the 2014 edition. Among them are DIY stores like Gamma and Hubo, clothing stores such as Lola & Liza and MS Mode, large chains like Fnac, Unigro and Dreamland, but also start-ups with original ideas like the rain boots from Katchoo, the creative fabrics from Stoffenfee, the funny socks from Zotte Sokken, etc.
For this year, after the huge success of the previous editions, the organisation has decided to come up with an “XL” version of Dag van de Webshop, which will be held over three days (Thursday 6, Friday 7 and Saturday 8 November 2014). This way, more Internet users will be able to benefit from all the special offers!
The event is sponsored by several organisations and companies. Among these partners are Safeshops, which awards quality labels to web shops that comply with the legal and ethical requirements; Ingenico Payment Services, a provider of digital payment services; Comeos, the representative of the Belgian commerce and services; BeCommerce, the association of Belgian e-commerce businesses; Copernica, specialist in marketing software; PostNL, market leader in the Benelux for parcel delivery services; and, of course, Combell, which ensures high quality and reliable hosting for the website that will undoubtedly attract plenty of visitors during these special days!
We wish Internet users a great shopping experience, and wish web store owners great sales!