Do not forget desktop users!

It is a fact that your website should also be mobile-friendly. But keep in mind that many visitors still use desktop computers!
You have probably heard about the troubling news regarding “Mobilegeddon” – the changes in Google’s search algorithm that will penalise websites that are not mobile-friendly. If a website is difficult to read, uses a font that is too small or is not smartphone-friendly for any other reason, Google will automatically rank it lower in search results.
However, it should be noted that this will only happen when users search for your website using their mobile device. And, according to recent figures published by Internet analytics company ComScore, which Wall Street Journal got hold of, if mobile traffic has increased by 50% in two years, desktop traffic remained stable over the same period. In other words: mobile visitors add themselves to desktop visitors, they do not replace them.
The moral of the story is that you should pursue a double strategy. Your website must be optimised for mobile users, but you should not forget desktop users. You can achieve this by using responsive webdesign. That will show visitors a version of your website that is adapted to the device they are using.
If you want to see for yourself how your website looks on different mobile devices, feel free to visit MobileTestMe.