Do you host your website at a local provider? Don’t underestimate the importance!

Delicious bread from your local bakery, Belgian beer, Antwerp fashion, local suppliers ... Home made, we love it. You probably do too. But what about your web hosting package? Maybe you placed your website and online data with a foreign hosting company. Whereas it could have been completely local. With servers that are literally and figuratively close by.
Opting for local web hosting is not only better for our own economy. By working with reliable hosting providers from Belgium or the Netherlands, you also make it much easier on yourself. Not to mention the great importance!
We explain why, for the best web hosting, it's better to choose a local hosting company such as Combell.

GDPR? Check! Your data are safe with local hosting providers
Protecting the privacy of all kinds of data and personal data is what the European legislation of the General Data Protection Regulation does.
Don' handle it too casually, because those who do not comply with the GDPR legislation risk fines that in exceptional cases can amount to - hold your horses! - more than 1 billion euros!
So for hosting your website, you'd better choose a company that follows all the strict rules. With a Belgian hosting company with data centers in your own country, you can sleep on both ears. You are fully compliant with GDPR legislation because your data is placed on a physical server in Belgium. Check!
Want to compare web hosting and check for yourself whether your favorite hosting company attaches great importance to GDPR? You can do that with the ISO 27701 certificate designed for that purpose. You may consider that as the proof that a company meets the standards for managing and storing personal information.
Of course, your data are safe at Combell
May we show off? Combell proved to be the top student of our class! In October 2021, we were the first IT company in the Benelux to obtain this certificate. Score! 🙂
So, you can be 100% sure that Combell meets all the strict requirements on information security. Not only your data are safe under lock and key, but also the data traffic of those who visit your website.
Good to know: as a Combell customer, you get a free Flexmail account with which you can take your first steps in e-mail marketing. Well, our ISO 27701 certificate is also valid for Flexmail. So, every e-mail that you send out is GDPR-proof.

Providing the best hosting also means that our employees receive internal training so that securing your data remains a number one priority. That way, there is a clear line in how we manage our customers' personal data.
Combell even has its own Data Protection Team
If, as our customer, you still have a question about GDPR, you can contact our own Data Protection Team. These internal and external giants will answer your questions and help you solve problems.
The best hosting companies will obviously keep your data safe, but a data leak - or even worse: you've been hacked - can never be ruled out. So be quick. Not only do you have to salvage your data, and who knows, multiple sites, you have to report a data leak to recognized authorities within a 72-hour window.
Crisis, panic! Fortunately, with Combell, you are in the right place and our experts will help you in every way possible.
Choosing a local hosting provider in Belgium: no Big Brother
There are different types of hosting and you may have gone overseas when choosing hosting for your website. We don't like to bring bad news, but the privacy of your data is at risk with a non-Belgian (non-EU) hosting company.
Big Brother IS watching you! Foreign authorities may search your stored data traffic without your knowledge - so without your consent. Is your hosting located in the United States? Then the U.S. security services have the right to access all your data.

Information security: provide your customers with assurances
After reading the above, you probably think you've stepped into a movie scenario. Starring the mysterious FBI! Not to mention economic espionage. That is something very serious. So seriously, in fact, that the Belgian Center for Cybersecurity advises against using (network) equipment from China.
Your clients deserve guarantees when it comes to information security. Give them that certainty by choosing local hosting providers such as Combell. On our local servers, your customers' personal data are truly secure.
That sounds like music to the ears of international companies that consider such privacy guarantees very important. They will be more inclined to collaborate with you. Just like the government or banks. Because they too want to keep their data safe in Belgium. No one from outside will have access.
Local hosting by Combell: enjoy these benefits
Like no other, we are aware: there are different web hosting packages. From basic shared hosting over customized managed cloud hosting to even getting started with containers. And all sizes and shapes in between.
As a customer, you're looking for good hosting from the fastest hosting provider. And ideally the cheapest? But can that go hand in hand, you may wonder. Big players from the USA seduce you with their interesting prices, but a local managed hosting provider such as Combell gives you (much) more value for money.
In what way?
By being your reliable partner
Combell is ready to make the digitalization of your company a success. Register a domain name with us (the first year, you even get a free domain name!), send professional e-mails to your contacts, build your own website ... It's all possible with Combell and you don't have to figure it out yourself.
A user-friendly website, our own staff with technical knowledge, a free migration service to transfer your website hosting. You name it and Combell takes care of it. Multinationals, often far away and unreachable, support you much less, or even not at all.
By looking at your company's specific needs
A local hoster such as Combell provides customization. Do you want to go beyond a standard hosting package? If so, we examine the needs of your IT infrastructure together with you. No need to pull a number and wait at the back. With our managed hosting options, we take you out of the queue and put your online story in the lead.
Combell ensures you the fastest loading time
Slow web hosting does have a major impact on loading time. You may have chosen a hosting package that is too light for your website. With Combell, we not only guarantee hosting that is 100% secure and always on, but also the fastest hosting on the market!
And rest assured that a fast loading time of your site is important. Because who likes to wait? Discover on our blog why only a super fast loading time is sufficient.
By literally speaking your own language
If you chose to host abroad, chances are you will be left with your problems. They'll make you send an e-mail for every problem, or you'll have to fill out an inefficient contact form.
If you do manage to call, you'll probably get English-speaking support on the line. Things can be simpler and better: Combell's own support collaborators help you in Dutch, French or English. Whatever you want. You can literally reach them day and night. Unlike foreign call centres, they immediately tackle your problem and do not go through a series of standard assistance sessions with you.
That's another added advantage: Both you and we live and work in the same time zone. You don't have to stay up late or get up early to reach us. Our own experts, your personal account managers ... They can be reached whenever you need them.
Hosting providers for your website? Buy local!
Obviously, if you want to take your business online, buy local. As you have probably noticed by now, we at Combell are eager to work with you.
We are the largest hosting provider in Belgium. Our Combell family may have grown internationally, but we are and remain a thoroughly Belgian company with servers in our own country.
See you soon?