How Combell is coping with the coronavirus (COVID-19)

As you are undoubtedly aware, the worldwide situation regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) is changing hour by hour. Apart from the impact on the health of the global population, there is also going to be an economic impact that is not currently predictable. Many companies are concerned about their own continuity and we understand that our customers may also have questions for Combell, as their provider of IT services.
No downtime anticipated
We want to reassure you: the continuity of the services you receive from Combell is totally unaffected by the coronavirus.
Our Support is available as always, and all our services are online. It is also possible to order new services and you can get in touch with us as usual for support and advice.
Where necessary and possible, our colleagues are already working from home. We have already put together our background plans to allow everyone to work at home if we are obliged to do that or if we ourselves take that decision. This is part and parcel of our general continuity plan. Meetings at our office have been postponed for the time being (or are being organised via video conference) and our planned events are under review.
Read more: Are your employees ready to work from home?
Fortunately, we too are a purchaser of the services we sell to our customers: we are able to work in the Cloud so we are still able to talk to our customers (via e-mail, telephone, etc.) and continue to manage all our products going forward. Our systems are structured in such a way that it makes no difference whether we are working in the office or at another location. We also have sufficient stock of all the hardware we use.
In the unlikely event that our Support’s response times are nonetheless impacted, we will communicate transparently about this on our status page. We will, of course, do our utmost to prevent this and we do not anticipate it happening. We are also staying in close contact with (the hosting group of which Combell forms part) in other countries (such as the Netherlands and Denmark) to share experiences and keep each other informed.
Advice on online working
Do you have any questions about how to arrange for your business to work online, e.g. if your colleagues have to work at home? We will happily share our experience with you. We could assist you in setting up Microsoft 365 (Office 365), which enables you to collaborate online as a team. Or help you move your local IT infrastructure to the Cloud.
More information about the coronavirus
For more information about the coronavirus (COVID-19), we would refer you to the Federal Government’s website, where you can find the latest advice and guidelines.