Make your WordPress website faster with these 9 tips

WordPress is the Content Management System that drives 27% of all websites across the entire Internet. Out of all the websites that use a CMS, it is in almost 60% of the cases WordPress, followed a long way behind by Joomla (6.3%). WordPress is enormously powerful, perfectly adaptable to anyone’s requirements and, above all, super user-friendly. However, raw WordPress is not noted for its speed. And if you add too many or the wrong themes and plugins, the site can become quite unresponsive. How can you make your WordPress website faster? These 9 tips will turn a site that runs at a snail’s pace into a veritable greyhound.
How fast is my WordPress website?
Know your numbers – that’s a saying that ought to be hanging above every webmaster’s bed. You can ascertain the speed of your website and regularly monitor it with these tools:
How do I improve the speed of my WordPress website?
Put these 9 tips into practice and you will be amazed by the results!
1. Choose your WordPress hosting very carefully
Price should not be the key criterion when choosing your hosting provider. Rather it should be the facilities on offer.
Managed WordPress at Combell
If you want as little maintenance as possible for your WordPress website, choose Managed WordPress hosting at Combell.
WordPress constantly requires new updates for your theme, plugins and security. Combell immediately performs all those updates for you, and you can also use easy test environments to test new things on your WordPress site!
2. The theme: the basis of a fast WordPress website
There are a huge number of WordPress themes: some free and some you have to pay for, simple ones and others with all the bells and whistles. So how do you find the right theme?
3. WordPress plugins: too much of a good thing
You can find a plugin for any additional feature you want. It is very tempting to keep on expanding the options on your website with new plugins. However, too many plugins can have a damaging effect on speed.
4. Images: size matters
We are not talking about the dimensions of the image itself but rather the file size. Images that are several MB in size obviously load more slowly than small images. Therefore, you should optimise your images:
5. Cache: limit the dynamic movements
Each time someone visits your website, pages are created on the fly with content retrieved from a database. But for static components of the website that are not subject to change, this is not actually necessary.
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6. WordPress Scripts: optimise your code
The size of the HTML, CSS and JavaScript files also plays a role. You can optimise these as follows:
7. CDN: do not put all your eggs in one basket
Allow your scripts and images to be fetched from multiple servers rather than just one server. This also speeds up the loading process.
8. WP-CRON: silence the overzealous butler
A cron job is a task that is scheduled to run at regular intervals. In WordPress, this is managed by wp-cron.php: it makes sure that scheduled postings are published on time, checks for updates to themes or plugins, sends out e-mail notifications, etc.
Each time someone visits your website, wp-cron.php, like a zealous butler, will check whether everything is ready for receiving the visitor, or whether tasks still need to be carried out first. But if you have a lot of visitors, this procedure is going to hold them up and slow things down.
Furthermore, these constant checks increase the load on the server. For those reasons, you should disable the standard WP-Cron and replace it with a modified script. You can do that as follows:
9. Your WordPress database: clear out all the rubbish!
The WordPress database stores not only all the content of your postings, but also data that comes from comments and statistics, and redirect and security plugins that add tables full of data from the logs to the database. Over time, the database can get quite heavy and ponderous, which will have a negative impact on speed. So how do you keep the database in tip-top condition?
These 9 tips will undoubtedly bring your WordPress website up to record speeds. Good luck!