No less than 3 Combell speakers selected for WordCamp Antwerp 2018!

On Saturday 3 March, all those who work or want to work with WordPress – beginners and experts alike – will once again gather together. You will be coming too, right?
The strength of the WordPress community
On 3 March 2018, WordCamp will be organised in Antwerp for the third year in a row. This is a conference where both experts and beginners from the WordPress community will meet to discuss the latest developments of the CMS and share experiences.
And just like last year, Combell has been a “gold sponsor” of the event. In the video below, Combell collaborator Brecht Ryckaert (who has been using WordPress since 2005) explains why WordPress is so important to Combell. And not just because the Content Management System is so popular with its customers, or because the majority of the sites that Combell hosts are using WordPress.
Combell indeed strongly believes in the importance and the strength of the WordPress community, because it allows the CMS to work correctly and continue to grow. Thanks to this community, Combell customers can work using this wonderful CMS, and Combell wants to give them something back. This is why Combell sponsors events and meetups about WordPress at the earliest opportunity.
In addition, Combell sends its engineers to such events as often as possible, so that they can sharpen their skills and share their knowledge with other WordPress users – knowledge that is actually beneficial to every single WordPress customer at Combell and elsewhere.
Three WordCamp talks given by Combell engineers
Combell’s commitment to the WordPress community also extends to other activities. No less than three Combell collaborators have submitted different talks on different subjects for WordCamp, and we are proud to tell you that they have been selected. What can you expect from their talks?
On Saturday (12:00), Combell senior support engineer Brecht Ryckaert will talk about “Debugging WordPress”. He will provide tips on how you can figure out what caused the dreaded white page or a 500 error, and how you can solve such problem as quickly and efficiently as possible. We can already lift a tip of the veil: the keywords here are the wp_debug function and error logging.
In his previous WordCamp talks, PHP Evangelist Thijs Feryn already provided extensive information on the benefits of caching when using PHP and how this can help you boost the performance of your WordPress site. In his new talk entitled “Docker for WordPress developers” (16:10), he will provide further details on Docker: what is it? And how can you use it to host your WordPress application in a container environment?
As for Zertios collaborator Diana Ivanova, she will come all the way from her permanent workplace in Bulgaria, like a superheroine! Some might even say she is a real saviour, as in her talk “Oh, no! I got hacked?!” (14:20), she will explain what you should do when a hacker breaks into your website. She will also show you how you can clean up your website afterwards, so that everything can work smoothly again.
Obviously, many other speakers will cover various other subjects during this WordPress event, such as “WordPress 4 Education”(Jens De Beule, 14:00), “Gutenberg, the future of WordPress publishing” (Marcel Bootsman, 11:00) and – this one is very important for bloggers and their finances – “Trends in online payments: from donations to subscriptions” (David de Boer, 15:00), to name but a few.
Check out the full programme without further ado, so that you can plan your day. For further information about where the event will take place and how to get there by public transport, please visit the website.
We hope to see you on 3 March! Diana, Thijs and Brecht are really looking forward to meeting you!