Remote working: the advantages and disadvantages

  • 25 June 2020
  • Reading time: 2 min
  • Tools

The Covid-19 crisis has caused a turning point in many companies: suddenly they discovered, by necessity, that their employees are actually able to work from home. But is remote working (at home or in a coworkingplace), also suitable for your company? We briefly list the advantages and disadvantages.

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Is it really necessary for your employees to come to your office every day to work? Couldn't they just as well do their job from home, or from a coworking space? Remote working can save you a lot of money, by saving on transport contributions. And because you show that you trust your employees, it also benefits your image as an employer. What's more: remote working gives your company a positive image, because you invest in the future and are open to innovation.

But are there no drawbacks to it? Yes, there are. And because you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of teleworking well before you decide to introduce teleworking as a regular form of employment in your company, we'll give you a brief overview.

You have to look at the advantages and disadvantages from three points of view: what does it mean for your company, for your employee, but also for society. After all, as a good business manager, you also feel obliged to contribute to a small ecological footprint, don't you?

1. Advantages and disadvantages of remote working for your company

We consider the consequences for your company in general as well as for you as an employer.

Less infrastructure
Employer has a
lesser degree of control
over the tasks and
attendance of the

Reduced costs for
Unplanned situations
lead to more difficult communications
Extra productivity by employeeEmployees who cannot
or are not allowed to telework
may be dissatisfied

Employees are satisfied
More flexibility
Good for the company’s image

2. Advantages and disadvantages of remote working for your employee

"Happy staying at home" may be the first reaction many employees experience to the idea of working from home. But there are some pitfalls. Here too, there are advantages and disadvantages.

No time wasted in traffic and fewer
travel expenses
Physical distinction between
work and private life is lost
Work-life balance is
more dynamic
Less physical contact with
Less stress, pressure or distractionPractical things like
scheduling become more difficult

3. Advantages and disadvantages of remote working for society

Teleworking means fewer traffic jams, fewer accidents on the road. But that in turn makes it more attractive for other drivers to take the car anyway. A suction effect, in other words. Are there other advantages and disadvantages for society?

Fewer jams, fewer
kilometres driven
Lost distinction
between work and private life gives people more stress and less peace at home

Less pressure so safer roads
Increased energy consumption at home
Reduced costs for the community
Significantly reduced CO2 emissions

4. Don't be guided by preconceptions about remote working

The previous list is already a good guideline for deciding whether or not to switch to teleworking in your company. You should base your decision on your own observations - and not allow yourself to be guided by a few preconceptions that are often mentioned about teleworking. We place some preconceptions in their true context:

"Employees will be the ones who profit"

  • Wrong: an employee who wants to go soft will do so, whether you can see him or not. Just trust the commitment of your employees: now that they can focus on their task, they are more productive. And it’s the result that counts, isn’t it? By the way: figures confirm that you can feel confident in your employees: 86% of home office workers say they perform as many or more hours as in the office, only a small minority perform less at home.

 "Teleworking is too complex technically"

  • Wrong: In order to be able to telework, there are a lot of tools available which are very user-friendly and which your employee can undoubtedly master in no time at all – if he doesn’t use them already on a daily basis to stay in touch with friends. In our article ‘Teleworking: how to get started‘ we provide you with various tools that make teleworking very easy.

"Too little social contact"

  • Wrong: that your employees don’t see each other every day can be solved very simply: don’t let them telework every day. Regularly meet up with team members at the office to discuss further developments and planning – over a nice coffee!

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