Sex sells!

Every week, new domain extensions are delegated into the Internet’s root zone. And guess what? Certain extensions received more than just some attention! Here are some astounding figures...
Massive interest for .porn or .adult
The world’s oldest profession continues to spark interest in the digital era. This is reflected in the massive interest for the registration of domain names with the new .porn or .adult domain extensions. Recently, the General Availability period has indeed started for both gTLDs, which means that anyone can now register a domain name with such an extension. It was a real rush!
With the domains that had already been registered during the Sunrise period (for trademark holders) and the Landrush period, people registered 10,038 .porn domain names on the first day of the General Availability period. And .adult performed quite well too (8,277 registrations). The Registry that manages both domain extensions, ICM Registry, has actually created a complete “adult” district on the Internet – it also owns the .XXX domain extension...
.school, .football and .casino stay behind
When you compare these figures with those of “nicer” extensions, you have to admit: sex sells! Take .school, which entered the General Availability period last week, for instance: only 1,933 domains were registered on day one. And, oddly enough, football, people’s beloved sport, was not that successful either: .football had to settle for 1,730 registrations. As for the .casino extension, which was supposed to attract many an online gambling site, it did not exceed 1,447 registrations on its first day.
Would you like to register a domain with one of these “hot” domain extensions? Please visit our special page dedicated to the new gTLDs or download the app for your iPhone.