, the new partner of the Cloud Angel Webfund

Screen Shot 2014-10-08 at 09.14.17The Cloud Angel Webfund (, which Combell launched a few months ago, is now strengthened by the addition of is a one-stop shop for Belgian technology start-ups and growth companies.

“For many start-ups, hosting expenses are often a significant part of their total budget. The Cloud Angel Webfund plays its part by offering free hosting”, says Karen Boers, Managing Director of

Combell, which was once a start-up too, wants to give a little help to the start-up scene in the Benelux. This is why the Combell Cloud Angel WebFund was born. No business incubator or venture capitalist, but a separate division for which Combell will offer free hosting in collaboration with several incubators, for a period of one year. The total budget for the fund amounts to €1,000,000. Start-ups can apply via

“Since technology companies (have to) deal with global competition since the beginning, it is paramount that they can focus as much as possible on their product development and go-to-market strategy. This is exactly why wants to lower thresholds via partnerships”, Karen Boers continues.

“We are happy that joins the initiative launched by Combell to continue to support start-ups in Belgium”, says Combell CEO Jonas Dhaenens.