Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot: the AI assistant for applications like Word and Excel

  • 26 February 2024
  • Reading time: 3 min
  • Tools

Need to finish a presentation urgently? Staring at a blank Word document? Delegate those tasks to the Microsoft 365 Copilot. This AI assistant for Office apps helps you tackle mountains of work. Moreover, the possibilities are virtually endless.

Explained: What is Microsoft 365 Copilot?

Microsoft also wants to make things easier and simpler for you. Hence the launch of Microsoft 365 Copilot. This copilot is an innovative AI assistant. You'll encounter it within the various office apps.

This means that the 365 Copilot will be integrated into Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, and all other apps included in the 365 subscription.

Microsoft 365 Copilot explained in one and a half minutes:

Works likes a chatbot

By using Microsoft 365 Copilot, you're working in a new, but particularly better way. Copilot functions like a chatbot, which you'll see in the sidebar of your apps.

Whether your presentation is missing some crucial slides, your meeting report needs structure, or you want to tidy up the chaos in your mailbox... These are all tasks where the AI of Microsoft 365 Copilot can assist you.

Start using it right away!

Productivity, efficiency and saving time

Microsoft 365 Copilot is an additional way to lighten your workload. As an entrepreneur, you're already busy enough. Any way to speed up tasks is therefore very welcome.

By entrusting part of your work to your copilot, you increase your productivity. You can focus much better on your real work without having to worry about all the features in PowerPoint or Excel. Important tasks finally get the priority they deserve!

Additionally, you also work much more efficiently. Need to transfer text from a Word document to a presentation? Just ask Copilot.

This increased productivity and efficiency saves you a lot of time. Tasks are much more automated and therefore faster. Microsoft 365 Copilot takes care of everything you would normally waste time on. It's just a matter of asking the chatbot the right questions.

Lees ook

What is Microsoft 365? And what about Office 365? Explaining the collaboration tools.

This is how Microsoft 365 Copilot works per app

You truly get to know the capabilities of this new feature when you understand how Copilot works per app. Let's break it down for you. 😁

Microsoft 365 Copilot in Word

The AI assistant enhances the word processor that Word is, even further. Copilot can, among other things, add texts, create summaries, or rewrite your entire document.

What Copilot does in Word:

Adjusting the writing style
Concise wording of paragraphs
Creating page layouts

Microsoft 365 Copilot in Outlook

Microsoft 365 Copilot dives into your mailbox with you. Think, for example, of managing your inbox, summarizing emails, and answering questions in emails.

What Copilot does in Outlook:

Drafting professional responses
Sending meeting invitations

Microsoft 365 Copilot in Excel

The AI assistant in Excel helps you analyze data and calculate new formulas.

What Copilot does in Excel:

Visualizing numerical data
Breaking down numerical data
Adding tables

Microsoft 365 Copilot in PowerPoint

Microsoft 365 Copilot comes in handy when creating presentations. AI adds speaker notes, as well as new slides and a different layout.

What Copilot does in PowerPoint:

Converting documents into slide decks
Converting Word documents into a presentation
Adding and timing animations
Rearranging slides

Microsoft 365 Copilot in Teams

Copilot in Teams leads to more efficient meetings for you. The chatbot can answer questions during the meeting or schedule follow-up meetings.

What Copilot does in Teams:

Drafting agendas
Summarizing meetings
Assisting in decision-making via tables

Getting started with Microsoft 365 Copilot

Microsoft 365 Copilot is extremely useful for both small and larger enterprises. Here at Combell, we are super pleased to offer Copilot in our various packages.

As you know, we offer you the lowest price per package, even lower than what you would pay at Microsoft! ✅

Microsoft 365 Copilot is included as an option in:

Microsoft 365 Business Standard
Microsoft 365 Business Premium
Office 365 E3
Office 365 E5
Microsoft 365 E3
Microsoft 365 E5

Our Microsoft specialists are available 24/7 with free advice. Don't hesitate to contact our colleagues via email or phone. They'll be happy to tell you why Copilot is a good match for your business.