Zelfbouwmarkt hosts e-commerce site in Combell’s Cloud

« The loading speed of our Drupal site at Combell is remarkably higher », says Stijn Desmet, Co-managing director at Zelfbouwmarkt. Here is his story:
60,000 visitors per month
Zelfbouwmarkt, based in Ninove, has been around for more than 30 years. There are actually seven specialist stores under one roof, which means that in a 5,500-square-metre showroom, we bring together various departments (bathrooms, kitchens, doors and windows, tiles, lighting, decoration, etc.). And there is also a 10,000-square-metre pickup warehouse. This allows people to choose their products here in the various specialist stores and then collect them from the warehouse.
Our website is very important, which is why we have two people working full-time on it. The website attracts around 60,000 visitors per month, which is a great achievement for our sector. Levis paint, for instance, attracts nearly as many visitors. We are therefore performing quite well in this respect.
Less downtime and higher loading speed
The technology used for this website is Drupal. We used to work with another hosting partner, which we were not very happy about, because there was often downtime and we never got any explanation on why things were not working properly. That is why we started looking for a new partner and ended up working with Combell, which is highly praised – as it turned out when we asked colleagues about it.
The great advantage that Combell had for us was that we had much less downtime. The company communicates proactively when there is a risk of downtime and tells us the reason. This way, we can see if we can adjust some things, so that it happens less often in the future.
“Our website features many videos and photos of our products, but Combell makes it load faster anyway.”
The loading speed is also much higher. Our visitors can now browse the website in a much more pleasant way. Our website is a bit heavy, because it features videos and photos of our products.
Peaks are absorbed without any problems
In our radio and TV campaigns, we always refer people to our website. Time on TV and on the radio is very precious – you only have 10 or 30 seconds to convey your message. As a result, traffic starts peaking on our website shorty after those campaigns have aired.
We can even see that very clearly when a TV spot has aired on VTM, because two minutes later (people first need to grab their computer or iPad), you can see an immediate increase in the number of visitors on the website. Combell then makes sure that this peak is absorbed, so that we have no problem coping with it.
Combell helps the customer find the appropriate solution
Our website is hosted on a dedicated cloud server. Together with the people at Combell, we have been looking for the best solution, adapted to our consumption, and to our website. They presented us with this solution, which does in fact appear to be the right one. After all, there is no point in using solutions that are too expensive or too complex if you do not actually need them.
“Combell found the best solution for us, adapted to our consumption and our website.”
The two things that come to mind first when I think of Combell are quality, because they definitely deliver the right quality, and service, because they are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, respond appropriately straight away and provide you with information when a problem has occurred.
The price was also fair, and the value for money was very good too. That is why we chose Combell, and so far we have never complained about our decision.
A partner for the future
We are pretty sure that this collaboration will continue in the future. After all, we are absolutely satisfied. We know that they are flexible and if our needs ever change – imagine for example that we need a larger website, or that we want to start a web store – we know that they are ready to provide us with the right solutions. As I see it, our future lies with Combell.
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