Combell Control panel

Your ease of use, on our control panel

To help you manage your hosting with ease, we have developed a convenient control panel. Say goodbye to technical headaches and hello to immediate ease of use.

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Link domain names and adjust SSL settings

Link domains to your websites

Link domains to your websites Add extra (sub)domain names to your website. For example, you can link variations of your domain name (e.g. and to a same website.
Put multiple websites on your package If your package allows it, you can launch multiple websites on one package. Choose a domain name and get started.
Adjust SSL settings Activate HTTPS with Let's Encrypt or a proprietary premium SSL certificate. And activate HTTP/2 for more efficient communication with browsers.
Manage your IP address Check the IP address of your hosting package or order a unique IP address for an SSL certificate or SEO optimisations.

Access to your hosting package

Creating FTP users

Creating FTP users Create additional FTP users and set their permissions and access rights.
Setting up SSH access rights Log in to your hosting via an encrypted SSH connection. Manage the SSH keys and set up your access rights.
Manage your files via your browser File Manager gives you direct access to the files on your hosting package. Add, edit or delete files directly from your browser.

Managing PHP settings

Switch PHP versions with one click

Switch PHP versions with one click Choose the PHP version you want to use for your website. We support older versions, but are always the first to allow you to use the latest versions.
Set limits for PHP Set your own limits according to your PHP applications. Of course, you have to stay within the limits of your hosting package.
Activate PHP settings Stop messing around with php.ini files. Via our control panel, you can activate or deactivate functions with a single click.

Managing databases

Create databases

Create databases You can create additional databases as long as your package allows. Or you can order a larger database directly in the control panel.
Manage users per database For each database, you can create multiple users with specific permissions.
Log in via PhpMyAdmin PhpMyAdmin is directly integrated in our control panel. You do not need to install anything else to manage your databases and tables.

Backups of your website

Accessing backups

Accessing backups Through the control panel, you can access backups of both your website and databases.
Restoring backups Do you have Managed WordPress? If so, you can restore your backups directly via the control panel. You can do that to your live environment or a test environment. It is so convenient!

With any other hosting package, you have to restore backups via an FTP client.

Secure your website

Activate web filters

Activate web filters You can decide which web filters you want to activate on your web hosting. These filters check every incoming request to your website. By activating them, you will block malicious code or the most common infections.
Activate autopatching Autopatching allows you to avoid problems. We scan all the files on your hosting package, looking for security vulnerabilities.

You can even choose to fix all the vulnerabilities automatically. This way, your website will remain secure at all times.
Secure folders Secure your folders. This will ensure that users who want to access a file will have to enter a username and password via their browser.

Performance & Caching

GZIP compression

GZIP compression GZIP compression allows to compress communication between your hosting package and the browsers used by the visitors of your website. Activate it to make your website faster.
Activate caching Activate the various caching options on your hosting package for a significant performance boost. You can choose between Redis and Varnish.

In addition, you can also activate a RAM disk.
Activate <span class='badge badge_boost'>Boost</span> Give your hosting package a performance boost with a single click. Boost makes static content, such as images, load up to 6x faster.

Developer tools and settings

Planned tasks

Planned tasks Schedule recurring tasks on your hosting using cronjobs. Add the script and set the frequency in our control panel.
Logs and statistics Decide how long you want to keep your website logs.

And activate statistics.
AutoGit AutoGit creates a Git repository on your hosting package. When this repository receives a 'git push' command, it initiates a deploy.

WordPress and CMS

Install WordPress with one click

Install WordPress with one click Install WordPress, Joomla or Drupal via the control panel. Enter the name of your website and a user and get started.
Activate automatic updates With a Managed WordPress package, you can activate automatic updates for WordPress, your plugins and your theme. We will then test the new updates for you and will only install them if they are fully compatible with your website.
Log in to your website Forgot how to log in to your website? Through our control panel, you have a direct link to log in to your WordPress website.

Setting up web forwarding and DNS records

Setting up web forwarding

Setting up web forwarding A web forwarding allows you to redirect your domain name to another website, e.g. a Facebook page.
Setting up DNS records Set up all the DNS records you need. From A records to TXT records. All changes take effect in real time.

Setting up name servers

Combell name servers

Combell name servers By default, you can set up our Combell name servers. This activates the DNS settings you chose via our control panel.
Anonymous name servers Use our anonymous name servers if you do not want your customers to know that you purchase domain names through us.
Your own name servers Do you have your own name servers or registered your domain name elsewhere? No problem! You can also set up those name servers via our control panel.

Creating mailboxes

Create mailboxes

Create mailboxes Choose your e-mail address based on your domain name and create your mailbox.

Most hosting packages come with free mailboxes.
Automatic reply Are you absent? Set up an out-of-office message so that people who e-mail you get a personalised message.
Catch-all mailbox Create one mailbox that will receive all e-mails sent to your domain name (except those for which an e-mail address has been created). That way, you can be sure that you will never miss an e-mail again.

Forward your e-mails

Redirect on your mailbox

Redirect on your mailbox Have e-mails sent to your mailbox (temporarily) redirected to another e-mail address.
Create alternative e-mail addresses You do not have to create a separate mailbox for each e-mail address. Create alternative e-mail addresses and link them to an existing mailbox.

Get started with our control panel

  1. Choose your hosting package and domain name
  2. Complete your order
  3. Add your website files to your hosting
  4. You are online!
  • Free domain name
  • 24/7 support via e-mail, chat or phone

Do you need more information about our control panel?

Contact Stijn, our web hosting specialist

Our staff is available 24/7 to provide you with free advice. Feel free to contact Tibo and colleagues via e-mail or by phone.

Contact Stijn, our web hosting specialist
Tibo Loontjens Web hosting specialist