Add a secured folder

If a folder is secured, the pages hosted in this folder ask for a password before they are opened.

Note! This option is not available in Windows hosting.

Follow these steps in the control panel to add a secured folder:

  1. Go to “My products” > “Web hosting” > Click on the button “Manage hosting” to the right of your domain name for which you want to protect a folder.
  2. Select “Security” in the menu on the left and then click on the “Secure folders” tab.
  3. Give this secure folder a name that is clear to you.
  4. Enter the path to the folder you want to protect and click on “Add folder” (see image).

Tip: Use FTP to find the correct path.

secured folder

  1. Then go to the “Users overview” tab.
  2. Click on “Add user”.
  3. Enter the user’s name and choose a password. Click on “Add user” to confirm this.add user for secured folder
  4. Go to the “Folders Overview” tab and click on “Permissions” (see image).

folders overview

  1. Review the list of users who have access to the secured folder.persmissions secured folder


Updated on 23 June 2020

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