How do I use Pop3 with my exchange account?

This article only applies for domain names using exchange email with additional pop3 email addresses.

What is the difference between the additional pop3 accounts and the exchange email addresses?

  • Your pop3 only account can only store 5 GB worth of messages.
  • It does not include a relay server. You need to configure your pop3 only email address with your own SMTP server (i.e. from your ISP)

How do I configure a pop3 only email account?

  • The incoming server will be
  • The outgoing server is a server of your choice. (Your ISP’s outgoing server or other)
  • The account type is pop3.
  • The username is the mailbox login, this is usually your complete email address. For example:

Step by step

You can click on the link to find the Basic email configuration of most popular mail clients.

To set up your POP3-Exchange account you can follow these steps, with just two important exceptions:

  • The incoming server should not be but instead:
  • The outgoing server should be your ISP’s. Contact your internet service provider for that information.

    Tip: SSL should still be used

Updated on 7 September 2020

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