How to configure my Basic mailbox on iPhone / iPad?

Follow these steps to set up your Basic mailbox on your iPhone / iPad with iOS 15:

  1. Go to “SettingsiOS Settings
  2. Scroll down and click on “MailiOS Mail settings
  3. Click on “AccountsiOS mail accounts
  4. Click on “Add accountiOS Add account
  5. Click on “Other” at the bottomiOS add mail other
  6. Now pick “Add mail accountiOS add new mail account
  7. Fill in the details of your mail account. The name that should appear with it, the email address, the password and a description (ex. Work) that is clear to you.
    Click on “Next” to continue.iOS Email account details
  8. Now fill in the missing details.

    Incoming mail server is
    The username is the email address of your mailbox.
    The password is the password of your mailbox you picked.

    Outgoing mail server is
    The username is again the email address of your mailbox.
    The password is also the same as the one you picked for your mailbox.

    Click on “Next” to continue.
    iOS set up incoming mail server
  9. Your phone or tablet will check all settings. If everything went well, you will end up at this screen where you check “Mail” and click on “Save“. After that your mailbox is ready to use on iOS. iOS mail finnish

Error messages

Sometimes the mail client will accept your settings and declare the setup done, even though there is something missing. Then you will experience a strange behaviour of your mailbox – it will receive but not send messages or vice versa.

Updated on 9 March 2022

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