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  4. Nucleus becomes Combell. What will change for you?

Nucleus becomes Combell. What will change for you?

Are you a customer of Nucleus? In that case, your products and services will soon be
transferred to Combell. As soon as this is done, you will receive an e-mail from us. From then on, you will be a customer of Combell. Welcome!

You may have some questions about that, which is only natural. That is why we will try to
answer many of them here.

Were you unable to find what you were looking for?
If so, just send an email to sales@combell.com or call the usual Nucleus number +32 (0)3 275 01 60 so that we can help you.

When will Nucleus and Combell merge?

From 1 January 2023, Nucleus will officially continue to operate as Combell. However, please note that from 28 December, you will no longer be able to log in via Nucleus. From Monday 2 January, you will have to log in to Combell’s control panel using the login details provided by Nucleus. You will soon receive another e-mail to confirm this change.

How can I log in to manage my services?

Until 28 December, you will continue to log in via Nucleus’ control panel. From 2 January, you will be able to log in again, but via Combell’s control panel, using the same login details you used with Nucleus. You will receive a confirmation e-mail as soon as you can log in again.

So you will not be able to log in for a few days. We will need this time to complete the administrative transfer.

Will my services keep running?

From 28 December to 2 January, you will not be able to log in to the control panel. But all your products, services and settings will keep running as usual. We need this time to take care of the administrative details of the merger.
From Monday 2 January, you will be able to log in to Combell’s control panel using the login details you used with Nucleus.

Will there be any changes in the prices of my products?

Everything will be the same as before: all the prices offered by Nucleus will also remain valid with Combell. However, as we announced in November, we will index prices in January due to rising inflation. Do you have questions about this? Feel free to contact us.

Will I be able to continue to enjoy my special offers?

Absolutely: you will continue to enjoy special offers as agreed with Nucleus. When the special offers expire, you will also pay the prices previously set by Nucleus. So everything will continue as you expected.

What if I already have an account with Combell?

If you already have an account with Combell with the same e-mail address as the one you used with Nucleus, we will merge both accounts. This will allow you to access both accounts with a single login. Once you are logged in, you will be able to choose which account you want to log in to.
If you already have an account with Combell with a different e-mail address than the one you used with Nucleus, nothing will change. From now on, you will have two different accounts with Combell.

How can I import the passwords from my password manager to Combell?

Find the password in your password manager and copy it to log in to Combell. Your password manager will then ask you to save the password. This will allow you to automatically log in to Combell.

What are Combell’s new invoice details?

After the merger, you will receive invoices from Combell with the following invoice details:

  • Combell nv
  • Skaldenstraat 121, 9042 Gent, België
  • Bank account number: BE73 7370 0365 8660 (Customers from register.ch can continue to use CH74 0838 7000 0011 8027 2)
  • VAT: BE 0541.977.701

If you receive your first invoice from Combell, be sure to check the invoicing details carefully.

Will my PO number remain on my invoice?

Yes, if you have a PO number with Nucleus, Combell will keep using it.

Updated on 11 December 2024

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