Setting up your Microsoft 365 mailbox in the Mail app on Android

Follow these instructions to set up your Exchange e-mail in the standard Mail app on your Android smartphone or tablet.

  1. Open your app “Settings”
  2. Tap “Accounts”
  3. At the bottom, tap “Add Account”
  4. Select “Exchange”
  5. Enter your Microsoft 365 Exchange e-mail address and password.
  6. Tap “Microsoft Exchange Active Sync”. Android will now try to retrieve your server settings.
  7. Did it work? All right, you are done!
  8. If it did not work and you received a message saying “Setup could not connect to server”, you will have to opt for manual setup:
    • In the server field, enter
    • In the e-mail address field, enter your full e-mail address
    • Enter your password
    • Click “Log in”
  9. Name your account and you are done!
Updated on 26 August 2020

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