Compare .NET hosting packages
Business |
Professional |
Expert |
5.99/month and choose your free domain name
Not satisfied? We will give you your money back! |
8.33/month and choose your free domain name
Not satisfied? We will give you your money back! |
25.00/month and choose your free domain name
Not satisfied? We will give you your money back! |
Webspace | 25 GB | 35 GB | 50 GB |
Number of websites on 1 package Each package has space for several websites. |
Max. 3 | Max. 5 | Max. 10 |
Linked domains | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Data traffic | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Database MS SQL |
100 MB | 250 MB | 500 MB |
Operating system | .NET version 2.0 and 4.8 |
.NET version 2.0 and 4.8 |
.NET version 2.0 and 4.8 |
.NET Core version 5, 6 and 7 |
HTTPS protection Via Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates |
Combell service makes your life easier | |||
24/7 support via e-mail and a toll-free phone number |
Website transfer service | |||
Uptime monitoring of our hosting cluster |
Free domain name For the first year. The following year, you will pay the regular annual price. |
Free mailboxes | 10 x 1 GB | 25 x 1 GB | 50 x 1 GB |
Money-back guarantee | |||
Combell Benefits You get access to unique deals such as free e-mail marketing. Discover all the deals |
Protection of your website | |||
Automatic backups | Daily | Daily | Daily |
Saving backups | 30 days | 30 days | 30 days |
Antivirus software | |||
Anti-spam software | |||
Firewalls | |||
DDoS protection | |||
A handy control panel | |||
FTP access | |||
Choose .NET version version 2.0 and 4.8 |
Choose .NET Core version version 5, 6 and 7 |
DNS management | |||
Manage site settings Index and error pages, security, SSL certificate activation... |
Comprehensive server statistics | |||
Cron support | |||
Your website is hosted in Belgium's best data centre | |||
Location of the data centre | Brussels | Brussels | Brussels |
Data centres | 2 x TIER 3+ | 2 x TIER 3+ | 2 x TIER 3+ |
Uptime guarantee thanks to various features, including guaranteed power supply, even in the event of a blackout |
99.999% | 99.999% | 99.999% |
High Availability Automatic reboot in the event of hardware failure |
Redundant network A backup infrastructure is always available to avoid any single point of failure |
ISO certified Combell is ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 certified. |
5.99/month and choose your free domain name
Not satisfied? We will give you your money back! |
8.33/month and choose your free domain name
Not satisfied? We will give you your money back! |
25.00/month and choose your free domain name
Not satisfied? We will give you your money back! |
Our specialists are available 24/7 to provide you with free advice. Feel free to contact Merijn and his colleagues via e-mail or by telephone.