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Protect your domain name

Register with the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH)

  • Protect your registered trademark online
  • Be the first to register your trademark with the new extensions
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One-stop solution to protect your trademark

With all the new TLDs

The TMCH allows you to register your trademarks in a worldwide database. By doing this centrally only once, you will make things easier for when you will register your name in the future. The validation process is handled by an external party, Deloitte, via an infrastructure provided by IBM.
By submitting a registered trademark, you will be the first to have the right to register your name in different domain extensions. Audi, for instance, will be the first to have the right to register '', '' or ''. This may be interesting for your trademark too, to keep cybersquatters away or just to exercise your privilege as a trademark holder.

One-stop solution
Trademark Clearinghouse

Register your trademark in the Trademark Clearinghouse via Combell.


Participate in sunrises (the periods preceding public availability) and claim the domain name that matches your trademark!


Receive warnings when someone else registers a domain name using your trademark

Benefit from many advantages by registering in the TMCH

Be the first to claim the name of your brand during the sunrise period!

Before a domain name extension is offered to the general public, the privileged parties get the chance to register domain names. In principle, if you have a registered trademark that is also registered in the TMCH, you too have the privilege to participate in a sunrise period.

Stay updated on possible infringement of your trademark rights

During the 'trademark claims service' period, both the potential registrant (the owner) and the registrar (the manager) receive a notification if a domain name is registered using your trademark. This way, appropriate action can be taken in due time.

Reduce your administrative burdens and costs!

Since we handle the entire administrative process, you do not need to invest time in it yourself. You can count on our many years of experience to assist you in claiming next generation domain names.

Combell acts as an agent on behalf of trademark holders. We handle tasks such as the registration of domain names, submission and renewal in the TMCH database, as well as all associated documents ('Signed Mark Data' documents). You are free to choose to register your trademark in the database for 1, 3 or 5 years.

Do you want to register a domain name? Call Jasper for advice.

New TLDs Trademark Clearinghouse specialist

Our specialists are available 24/7 to provide you with free advice. Feel free to contact Jasper and colleagues via e-mail or by phone.

New TLDs Trademark Clearinghouse specialist
Jasper Cocquyt Domain name specialist