80% of performance issues have nothing to do with your server!

Our Performance Team identifies the underlying causes.
This way, you will receive targeted advice on how to give your website or app wings, without wasting money on additional servers.

"Throwing servers at the problem is not the solution!"

The real causes of your performance issues

Besides a possible lack of resources such as CPU, RAM, etc.

Malfunctioning databases and data flow

A malfunctioning data flow is the main reason why your website or web application is running slowly, no matter how powerful your servers are. That is why we examine the different points where data is retrieved or exchanged in order to identify the delaying factors.

  • SQL queries that are not optimised
  • An inadequate database structure
  • Missing database indexes
  • The use of incorrect database technology

Database optimisation
Code analysis

Delay in your code

Poorly written code also negatively affects performance. Using APM (application performance monitoring) tools, we are able to find the hotspots on your website or application and identify the delaying factors:

  • Code that requires a lot of CPU, memory or file access
  • External services that cause delays, such as a database

Incorrect caching

The lack of caching is often a cause of slower loading websites or applications. Displaying data often requires a lot of computational resources. Why waste so many server resources every time a visitor visits your website and risk delays when the data remain unchanged?

Caching helps you avoid this unnecessary delay by storing the data in a separate storage space.

  • Developing a caching strategy as part of your hosting architecture.

Learn more about caching
Deployment strategy

EXTRA: Inadequate deployment strategy

Besides these performance issues, code deployment is one of the most risky actions that can compromise the stability of your website or application.

By using CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) strategies, the Performance Team will help you prevent deployment-related issues.

  • Developing a deployment strategy
  • Defining an automatic deployment schedule
  • Developing a version control strategy based on Git
  • Developing build pipelines for the various environments
  • Defining success scenarios for monitoring-based deployments

What you get: targeted advice for maximum performance

Launching additional servers and adding RAM in the hope of improving the performance of your application... This is the dream of many hosting providers, but not of Combell.

By first examining your application, we will help you with hands-on advice.

  • A redesigned data flow that works
    An optimised database structure, tailored to your application. Advice on how to optimise queries or how to write data.
  • A comprehensive overview of the hotspots in your code
    A complete list of delaying factors so that you can optimise your code in a targeted manner.
  • Storage adapted to your application
    When the traditional MySQL or SQL server is not satisfactory, we suggest alternative storage that better suits your application, such as Elastic search, Mongo DB, etc.
  • Perfectly configured caching
    Get the most out of your caching like Redis and Varnish thanks to our perfect configuration. Our experts have a wealth of experience in this area.
  • A multitude of best practices
    Front-end development, back-end development, security, deployment strategy, databases, caching, scalability... each domain has its own do's and don'ts.
    Our Performance Team has experts in-house who are highly skilled in each of these areas.
  • A deployment strategy that helps prevent errors
    We will develop a clear deployment schedule that is in line with the workflow of your developers. This way, you can thoroughly test all updates before they go live.

Meet the Performance Team

Some of our best hosting experts

Jachim Coudenys

Jachim Coudenys

Joined Combell in 2017


  • PHP and PHP frameworks
  • Data strategies based on MySQL, ElasticSearch & MongoDB
  • Queuing & messaging systems
  • Consuming APIs
  • Logging & metric systems

Other assets

  • Public speaker at international conferences and meetups.
  • Member of the PHP community (PHP-WVL co-organizer)
  • Open source contributor
  • Zend certified Engineer
  • MongoDB Certified Developer and DBA

Vic Demuzere

Vic Demuzere

Joined Combell in 2015


  • HTTP
  • Nginx
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Varnish
  • Go

Other assets

  • Tech talk about how Let's Encrypt/ACME work

Wesley Hof

Wesley Hof

Joined Combell in 2011


  • Expert Linux engineering
  • In-depth knowledge of web servers (Apache, nginx...)
  • Process managers
  • Databases
  • The most common open source technologies
  • He likes to investigate performance issues

Other assets

  • Team lead of the platforms team that sets up and maintains our platforms.
  • 25 years of experience in setting up large platforms, performance tuning, etc.

Combell Performance Team

Targeted advice for maximum performance