CTM (Cyber Threat Management)

Optimise the security of your network with 24/7 monitoring by security experts

CTM (Cyber Threat Management) is a 24/7 security monitoring service that helps large organisations and companies to identify and manage known and unknown cyber threats even faster and more accurately, and to mitigate the possible consequences.

  • 24/7 monitoring of your network and fast incident reporting
  • Analysis and filtering of identified threats by IT security experts
  • Access to a dashboard with detailed reporting on your network traffic and identified threats.
CTM <small>(Cyber Threat Management)</small> CTM <small>(Cyber Threat Management)</small>

What is CTM?

What is CTM?

Proactive approach to security

The challenges associated with network security have never been greater. Cyberattacks are becoming more frequent and sophisticated, and detecting and preventing them has never been so difficult.

To avoid cyberattacks and their negative consequences, more and more organisations are shifting from a preventative, reactive approach to a proactive one.

Managed Detection & Response (MDR) combines intelligence, technology and people into an integrated service package with the aim of detecting, analysing and avoiding cyber threats at an early stage.

Our solution: CTM

CTM is a gateway solution for MDR and provides advanced 24/7 threat monitoring and detection.

CTM is based on specially developed network sensor technology that quickly and accurately detects any cyber threat to your network. Each threat detected by the sensors is immediately analysed by a team of highly qualified security experts. They investigate how the network was attacked, what and how much data was leaked, etc.

Based on this analysis, they make recommendations to mitigate negative consequences in the short term and to prevent similar cyberattacks in the future.

Our solution: CTM

The benefits of CTM

CTM brings many benefits to your organisation.

  • 24/7 monitoring and fast incident reporting

This will help you be better equipped to protect your network from known and unknown cyber threats.

  • Support provided by trained security specialists

You have direct access to a team of experienced specialists who will help you monitor and identify threats.

  • In-depth incident analysis

All suspicious items identified by our security teams are thoroughly analysed by our specialists. They examine how the threat managed to access the system, what the consequences are and how it can be avoided in the future.

  • Proactive threat detection

We proactively search your network and data sets for potential threats not known to traditional antivirus solutions.

  • Access to an interactive dashboard

The online platform gives you real-time information about incidents, sensor alerts, packet data, endpoint alerts and the performance of your network.

Would you like to learn more about how CTM works and why you should use it?

How does CTM work?

The CTM platform was developed by top security specialists and is based on effective network sensors. It provides a multilayer approach that helps detect cyber threats and prevent attacks.

In addition to the technology, your network is also monitored 24/7 by our team of security specialists. They analyse identified cyber threats and suspicious activity such as advanced hacking attempts, data breaches, signs of APT attacks, malware outbreaks and ransomware attacks.

When they identify a serious threat, they notify you as soon as possible.

After investigating an incident, they also provide a root cause analysis and a recommendation report to optimise your network security, so that you can avoid similar threats in the future.

In addition, our IT security experts tell you what data may have been downloaded.

CTM identifies the following cyber threats:

  • Botnet communication
  • Intrusion attempts
  • Data breaches
  • Ransomware
  • Suspicious data traffic
  • Drive-by downloads
  • Malware
  • Policy violations such as the use of cloud storage
  • Remote access tools
  • Signs of industrial espionage
  • Zero-day and APT attacks
  • Other forms of abuse

Award-winning solutions

Smart Business Awards Hosting & Domain Names 2017
Twinkle Awards Hosting & Domain Names 2016
The most comprehensive protection for your network

Go for the most comprehensive protection for your network

Securing your network has never been so crucial. The number of cyberattacks on organisations and companies is increasing every year. The consequences can be disastrous: business interruption, major financial losses, data loss, reputational damage, etc.

With CTM, you get the most comprehensive protection for your network and direct assistance from the best security experts.

The most comprehensive protection for your network