New domain name extensions for TLDs, gTLDs & ccTLDs
Period during which only trademark owners can pre-register their protected trademark with the new extension.
In order to prevent cybersquatting, only trademark owners can claim a domain name with their trademark during this period. The sunrise period lasts a minimum of 30 days. If a trademark owner has not used this privilege, others will be allowed to register the domain name - provided they respect the trademark right.
As a trademark owner, you must register via the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH). Combell is a registered TMCH agent and can therefore take care of the entire registration process and follow-up for you.
Pre-registration is available for everyone.
First come, first served.
During the Landrush phase (also known as GoLive or general availability), domain names that have not yet been claimed in the Sunrise period can be registered. Whoever submits the application first has the right to use the domain name.
It is therefore vital that you pre-register your desired domain name as quickly as possible. Combell will then forward your request and contact you as soon as the registration is officially open and there is more detailed information about the price for the domain registration. Only then will you be required to confirm your registration - or not. So, you will definitely not be buying a pig in a poke!
The extension is available for the general public to register domain names.
Unless a certain extension is reserved for an occupational category (.bank or .law for example) or a trademark (.gucci or .lamborghini), everyone will be able to order a domain name with the new extension during this period.
Here too, the first come, first served principle applies. But the registration fee is determined in advance and you will immediately receive confirmation of the domain registration.
Take advantage of our free extra services
When you register your domain, you will receive a 1 GB mailbox free of charge. You can also create as many e-mail addresses as you like.
In the convenient control panel, you can manage everything yourself: configure the DNS settings of your domain name, create e-mail addresses, etc.
Create an unlimited number of subdomains and give structure to your website. Create e.g. as a subdomain of
Our helpdesk is available day and night. No endless call transfers; instead, you will immediately be able to talk to a specialist who will give you expert advice.
Create e-mail addresses as you please and have them forwarded to your current e-mail address. This way, all e-mails will be delivered in one place.
Send visitors of your domain name to another URL, such as your Facebook page or any other website.
Are you not happy despite all our efforts? You can request a full refund up to 3 months after placing your order.
See the conditions.
Send free e-mail campaigns with a Flexmail demo account.
Are your domain and your website hosted elsewhere? We will transfer them to our servers for you free of charge.
Over the last few years, the web has been expanded with the launch of thousands of new domain extensions, also called generic top-level domains (gTLDs). This was necessary, because the traditional generic extensions such as .com, .net and .biz were getting scarce and therefore too expensive.
Thanks to the new extensions such as .vlaanderen, .shop and .green, countless combinations can be created. This enables entrepreneurs like you to register the perfect domain name for their company. Go for .shop, .vlaanderen, .tech, or one of the thousand other extensions available.
It is best to register the name of your company or idea as soon as you can. This way, other people or your competitors will not be able to register it.
However, now that there are so many new domain extensions, there is a greater risk that other people will register a domain name containing your trademark with one of those extensions. In order to prevent such cybersquatting issues, you should register your trademark with the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH), a worldwide database that offers many benefits:
The Internet helped create a thriving digital economy. But traditional domain extensions have not developed in line with this evolution, and it has therefore become increasingly difficult to register a short and striking domain name at a fair price.
That is why ICANN decided to release new domain extensions, which helped solve many problems:
The new extensions have made it possible to create an unlimited number of combinations. This way, anyone can register a striking, short domain name.
Of the more than 2,000 extensions for which an application has been submitted, more than a thousand are already available for registration. Some of them, however, cannot be registered freely. Brands such as .gucci or .lamborghini are e.g. reserved for in-house use by the companies concerned. And other extensions are subject to additional conditions for registration, such as belonging to a particular occupational group.
You will find a clear overview of all available extensions for which there are no or few restrictions on our website.
Some domain extensions are subject to restrictive conditions, meaning not everyone can register such a domain name. Our new list of TLDs clearly states whether a particular domain extension is subject to a restriction or not.
Fortunately, though, most new extensions run with open registration policies, which means that no restrictions apply, and that anyone can register a domain with this extension. For example, as a person or company, you do not have to be based in Brussels to register a .brussels domain name. We have done our best to ensure that all this information is displayed as clearly as possible on our site, and any new details will be posted as soon as possible.
Our specialists are available 24/7 to give you free advice about domain names. Feel free to contact Merijn and colleagues via e-mail or by telephone.