.goo domain name

Everything about the new .goo extension. Pre-register your .goo domain name now.


100% free and non-binding First come, first served

Available soon

Preregister a .goo domain

Preregistration runs in different stages

  • Sunrise

Period in which only trademark owners (TMCH) are allowed to register their trademark.

Not known yet
  • Landrush
    Early Access

Registration is available for everyone on certain conditions. First come, first served.

Not known yet
  • GoLive

The extension is available for the big public. Everyone can register their wanted domain name.

Not known yet

Features of the .goo extension

Category Cool/fun
Price (GoLive) Not known yet

.goo preregister

The .goo extension is one of the new domain names that everyone will soon be free to register. We already offer you the opportunity to pre-register your desired .goo domain name. Incidentally, pre-registering a .goo domain name is extremely easy. Via the module above, you can request the registration in only 2 minutes. Since this is a new domain extension, many new names are still available. The pre-registration of a .goo domain name is on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. If you are interested in registering a .goo domain name, you should definitely not wait too long to pre-register it. This way, you can increase your chances of a successful registration during the GoLive period, because it is always possible that someone else wants to register the exact same name at the same time. So, make sure you pre-register your .goo domain names without further delay. We at Combell also offer you full management of your chosen domain name, as well as 10 free services. What are you still waiting for? Via the module above, you can request the registration of your .goo domain name and stay informed about the latest developments.

Are you looking for another extension? Check out our complete range of new domain names.

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New domain name registration specialist
Arne Fiers Domain name specialist