Managed WooCommerce Webshop

The best solution for your WooCommerce webshop

Managed WooCommerce, that's a turnkey WooCommerce webshop including automatic updates, a test environment, Site Assistant, free plug-ins ...

  • Free domain name
  • 24/7 support via e-mail, chat or phone
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251 reviews

Do you want a good reason to choose Combell? We will give you three!

  • Not satisfied? We'll give you your money back!

    Not satisfied? You can request a refund up to 3 months after your order. So, you take no risk at all.

    Our money-back guarantee
  • Free butler moving service

    Already have a WooCommerce webshop? We move it for free and immediately perform all updates and optimisations.

    Our transfer service
  • 24/7 support

    Because the internet never sleeps, we remain available day and night via email and a toll-free telephone number.

    Our support

Your webshop always in top condition

Daily check for updates

The constant updates to WordPress, WooCommerce, your theme or plug-ins ... We just take care of those for you!

Test, update, done

Not every update works on every WooCommerce webshop. That's why we test everything thoroughly. Compatible? Then we install it!

Better performance assured

Thanks to continuous optimisations, we make sure your webshop performs optimally.

Internet window with components that are being updated.

Managed WooCommerce makes it easy for you

Turnkey test environment ...

Launch your test environment (with a copy of your webshop or backup) via our control panel. It is so convenient!

... to test out updates

Experiment on your separate test environment. That way you keep bugs out of sight, and only launch an update when everything works.

Easy backups

To make mistakes is human. Select a backup and immediately restore it via the control panel. Straightforward, without the hassle of FTP connections.

Two Internet windows. One window shows a live version of a website, while the other shows the same site in a test environment.
WordPress and WooCommerce are installed

Everything is ready to start right away. Need a specific version? Choose them in your cart.

No unwanted advertising

You won't find any references to WordPress or Combell on your webshop. That's keeping it clean.

No webshop yet? AI will build it for you! AI

Site Assistant builds your webshop ...

Based on your input, Site Assistant's AI creates your webshop directly in WordPress and WooCommerce.

... with a handsome design

Choose which design you like. You get several options so you can get started right away.

Fluent texts including

Don't have a smooth pen? Let Site Assistant write the texts for your website.

And installs the appropriate plug-ins

Specify which features you want and Site Assistant will install the best plug-ins to make it happen.

Free recommended plug-ins









PHP <small>(FPM)</small>


Auto GIT <small>(GIT Integratie)</small>

Auto GIT (GIT Integratie)



MySQL <small>(Percona)</small>

MySQL (Percona)
















And more…

We ensure a fast and stable webshop!

Fast loading times ensured thanks to Boost

With Boost (powered by Litespeed), slow loading times are a thing of the past. Static content (such as product images) loads up to 6 times faster.

Enjoy the best material

Thanks to continuous investments in our servers, your WooCommerce webshop will always perform excellently.

Always online

With 99.999% uptime, you enjoy the best guarantee on the market. Just like banks and hospitals.

Uptime monitoring

When your webshop goes offline, our alarm goes off. We immediately provide a solution.

Performance monitoring

In case of delays, we make the necessary adjustments or give you specific advice.

The best data centre in Belgium

Our data centres are secured and backed up from head to toe. So your webshop always stays online.

The best support, always available

Available 24/7, even on Christmas Eve

The internet never sleeps, neither does our support. You can reach our experts around the clock.

Via e-mail, chat or toll-free phone number

Contact us as 'suits you best. We are ready to answer your questions in your own language.

Free relocation service and advice

Transferring your WooCommerce web store to Combell? We will gladly help you.


Take off to a flying start with the Butler moving service

Flawless move to Combell

Our specialists carefully move your website to our servers. They perform updates and test that everything works optimally.

Instant success with a better webshop

We immediately carry out performance tests. And improve your webshop wherever possible.

Illustration of 2 Internet windows, showing the transfer of a site from an unknown hosting partner to Combell hosting.

The load time of our web pages is almost four times shorter

Alexander Hoogewijs

Alexander Hoogewijs
CEO, SiteManager

Read the full case study

Hackers or viruses?
No way!

Security vulnerabilities are automatically fixed

A security risk in your webshop's code? We spot it immediately and patch the leak. Problem solved!

The malware scanner detects viruses

Every day, we thoroughly scan for corrupt files and immediately quarantine them.

Firewalls and DDoS protection

Multiple firewalls ensure the security of your website. Our unique Combell Shield prevents bot traffic and DDoS attacks.

Discover how Combell secures your hosting

Outdated themes and plug-ins make your webshop vulnerable to hackers. With Managed WooCommerce, these always stay up-to-date!

Illustration of an Internet window, with a shield in front of it. The shield keeps out viruses and bugs, so that the site is virus-free.
Always secure thanks to HTTPS

Visitors to your online shop surf securely via an HTTPS connection thanks to a free SSL certificate.

Protection against infections

Web filters prevent infections such as SQL injections, rootkits or brute-force attacks.

Solidly locked data centres

This also keeps intruders physically away from the server on which your webshop resides.

Website hacked after all?

With SiteSweep we restore your hacked website. Malicious code is removed so you can get back online safely.

Really Simple SSL Logo
Extra: 20% discount on Really Simple SSL

As a Combell customer, you get a 20% discount on this popular plugin to make your WordPress website more secure.

Discover all Combell Benefits

In summary, what makes Managed WooCommerce the best choice for your WooCommerce webshop?

Always up-to-date

We handle all updates for WordPress, WooCommerce, your theme, and plugins!

Easiest test environment

Launch a test environment with one click. Really, one click!

Easy backups

Easily restore backups to your live website or test environment via our control panel.

Site Assistant with AI

Site Assistant helps build your website directly in WordPress.

Immediately assisted

If you have a problem, our experts are ready to help you. Via e-mail, chat or telephone support!

Top performance assured

Your WooCommerce webshop loads faster than ever thanks to Boost

Take the next step with Managed WooCommerce

  1. Choose a Managed WooCommerce package
  2. Complete your order
  3. We move your webshop and bring it up to date
  4. You can get on with your webshop
  • Free domain name
  • 24/7 support via e-mail, chat or phone

Questions about a WooCommerce webshop on WordPress

WooCommerce is a free WordPress plugin used to add a webshop to your WordPress website. It is a powerful and popular e-commerce solution that allows you to manage an online shop and sell your products.

Read more about what WooCommerce is in our blog article
The basics of WooCommerce are free to download and use. With it, you can already set up a fully functional webshop.

However, there are charges for premium plug-ins for extra functionality, such as adding discount codes or gift vouchers.
To create an online store with WooCommerce, you need web hosting on which WordPress is installed. With our WordPress hosting, WordPress is installed on every package! Next, you can install and activate the WooCommerce plug-in from the WordPress dashboard. You can also add products, categories, payment options and shipping options to configure your web store.
WooCommerce can basically handle an unlimited number of products. But the more products you want to sell, the more power your web hosting will require. So for large-scale online stores, it is best to go for a more advanced package.
Yes, WooCommerce is a top-rated e-commerce solution. Because of its user-friendliness, flexibility and extensive functionality, it is widely used for running an online store.

You do not need to be a techie to build a web store with it. Moreover, its popularity is such that you will find many tips and tutorials online.
Yes, the basic version of WooCommerce is free to download and use. However, there are charges for premium plug-ins that provide additional features, like adding discount codes or gift vouchers.
Yes, WooCommerce is developed by Automattic, the same company behind WordPress. It is an official WordPress plug-in and works seamlessly with your WordPress website.

WooCommerce is renowned for its user-friendliness, customisability, scalability and seamless integration with WordPress. It offers a wide scale of e-commerce features and is ideal for both small businesses and larger online stores.

The cost of a WooCommerce webshop varies depending on your needs and requirements. You need to consider costs for web hosting, domain name, any premium plug-ins, themes and any customisations.
To create an online store in WordPress, you first need to install WordPress on your web hosting. With our WordPress packages, however, this is no longer necessary. Because WordPress is already installed for you.

After purchasing your package, you just have to install and activate the WooCommerce plug-in, set up your products and payment settings, and design your online store using a suitable theme.
Yes, using the WooCommerce plug-in, you can create a fully-featured and powerful online store in the WordPress CMS.
Yes, WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS) used to create and manage websites and blogs. With the addition of the WooCommerce plug-in, it can also become an e-commerce platform.
WordPress itself is free open-source software. The main costs you need to factor in are for web hosting, domain registration and any premium themes or plug-ins you may want to use for additional features.

Free advice on WooCommerce webshops on WordPress?

Feel free to contact Simon, our WordPress Hosting specialist

Our WordPress specialists are available 24/7 to provide you with free advice. Feel free to contact Brecht and his colleagues via e-mail or by phone.

Feel free to contact Simon, our WordPress Hosting specialist
Brecht Ryckaert WordPress Specialist